Chapter 22

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I honestly don't know what this is 😭 but some people wanted a smut scene so i did my best to put one together last minute

When Hope led the brunette into her room she immediately pressed the girl up against the door and kissed her neck and gently took the skin into her mouth

"Hope..." the brunette moaned.

"I've got you" Hope said kissing up Josie's jaw.

The shorter girl grabbed Josie's hand and started leading her toward the bed. They both started helping each-other undress.

"I'm going to ask you one more time are you sure you want this?"

"I want this Hope... I want you."

And with that Hope gently pushed Josie onto the bed and parted the brunette's legs before sinking to her knees.

Josie lifted her head making eye contact with Hope.

"Please," Josie said.

Hope kissed the inside of Josie's thigh still making eye contact with the taller girl.

"Hope please..." Josie moaned.

"Please what?"

"Touch me," she said breathlessly.

Hope obliged and pressed her tongue to the girl's slit earning a loud moan in response.

"Fuck" Josie said arching her back.

Hope trailed her tongue all way up to Josie's clit which made the brunette thread her hand through Hope's hair.

"I'm close right there" Josie gasped.

Hope then slowly entered the brunette with two fingers working her up more.

A loud string of curse words fell from the brunette's mouth as released.

"Holy shit," Josie said catching her breath.

Hope pulled out of Josie before crawling up the bed and laying down next to the girl.

"You are so good at that," the brunette said and Hope immediately started laughing.


When Josie and Hope walked into the dining hall they immediately walked over to Lizzie who was holding Andrea.

"There's my girl" Josie grinned picking up her baby.

"Are you two like together?" Lizzie asks eyeing something on Josie's neck.

"I- uh what makes you say that" Josie sputtered.

"Well you are carrying around a giant hickey which wasn't there ten minutes ago and you walked off with Hope."

Hope and Josie looked at each other.

"Oh god have you seriously not talked it out how dumb can you two be," Lizzie said hitting Hope in the back of the head.

"OW," Hope said.

Lizzie was about to hit Josie too but stopped "you are so lucky you are holding my favorite niece right now."

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