Chapter 2

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When Josie blinked her eyes open
she was laying in the infirmary. She heard voices whispering around her and when she turned her head she saw her dad, Lizzie, and some of the super quad talking.

"What's going on?" Josie said slowly sitting up.

"Jo!" Lizzie said immediately running to her and pulling her into a hug.

"What happened?" Josie asks confused.

"We found you and miracle baby passed out in the gym... we think the monster did that to you when it escaped."

"It escaped!?" Josie said.

"Calm down we are doing everything we can to track it down."

Suddenly the doors of the infirmary were swung open revealing Josie's girlfriend.


"You're awake" Finch let out a relieved breath and brought Josie into a soft kiss.

"Barf" Lizzie gagged.

When they pulled away Josie glared at her.
Which caused the blonde to raise her hands in surrender.

"Where's Hope anyways?" Josie asks looking around the infirmary not seeing the auburn.

"She's in her room, Landon is watching over her she woke up about ten minutes before you did" Lizzie explained.

"Plus who cares she probably is the one who did this to you" Finch added with an eye roll.

"Anyways do you remember anything that happened before you passed out?" Lizzie asks ignoring Finch's comment.

"It's a little blurry but I remember her saying some sort of spell? I think she was a witch of some kind" Josie said.

"A witch? are you sure Jo we went through about every book and no monster matched that description."

"I know what I saw and heard."

"Okay.. okay fine just get some rest okay?" Lizzie says rubbing Josie's shoulder.

Josie just nodded before she laid her head back on the pillow falling asleep almost instantly.


It had been about a month since the witch monster incident and the whole super squad was on edge.

They haven't had a new monster
in a month. A whole month! that is practically unheard of at the Salvatore school they don't usually go more than two weeks without a new monster sighting.

So that had everyone overworking themselves with the research and theorys.

"Maybe it's invisible and is somewhere in the school" Landon suggested.

"Yeah it stays in the school for a month and doesn't cause any trouble I doubt it... plus the wolves would be able to smell it so that's off the table" Lizzie immed

Josie laid her head on the table
she was feeling utterly exhausted these last two weeks.

"It's probably still in the area that's why no new malivore monster has shown up," MG says.

"Well maybe-" Lizzie started but was cut off by Hope.

"Jo are you okay? you don't look so good" Hope says looking at the brunette's pale complexion.

"Back off Mikaelson I can look after her" Finch growled before turning towards Josie "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Josie said weakly "just tired."

"Let me help you to your bed you need to rest okay? we have more than enough hands to help us research" Hope said helping Josie up.

"Okay..." Josie eventually nodded.

"I can take her" Finch said starting to stand up.

"I got her" Hope glared and started walking Josie to her room.

When they entered the twins room Hope immediately helped the brunette twin into bed and covered her up.

"Are you comfortable?" Hope asks tucking her in.

"Mhm" Josie mumbled with her eyes closed.

Hope was about to walk out when she heard a loud thumping sound.

thump thump thump

At first Hope thought it was just Josie's heart but when she listened closer she realized it was was coming from the brunette stomach.

"Oh god Josie..."

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