Chapter 11

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The next day at breakfast Finch was glaring daggers at Hope and Josie the moment they walked into the dining hall.

"What's up with her," Landon said taking a seat next to Hope.

"I broke up with her last night," Josie said taking a sip of her orange juice unbothered.

"Is everything okay?" Landon raised an eyebrow.

"She walked in on me talking to the baby and got all jealous," Hope said poking at her eggs.

"Well that's dumb that's not something to be jealous over," he said.

"She's been like this throughout our whole relationship I look at someone she immediately gets defensive and starts accusing me of cheating enough was enough so I ended it with her."

"And thank god for the now I don't have to pretend to like her anymore" Hope smiled.

"To be fair you never really showed you liked her before" Josie pointed out.

Hope dramatically gasped and looked at her boyfriend.

"Gonna have to agree with Josie on this one" Landon laughed and raised his hands in surrender.

"You weren't very good at hiding your hatred Hope" Josie also started laughing.

"Well can you blame me the girl is unbearable."

"She is which is why we are over for good."

Hope looked at her watch "I gotta go my Aunt Freya is gonna be astral projecting in like five minutes so we can discuss some things" she kissed Landon's cheek and smiled at Josie before making her way out of the dining hall.

As soon as Hope left Finch decided to walk up to Josie "Jo can we talk."


"Please talk to me."


Landon just looked between both girls.

"Let's talk in your room later and then I'll leave you alone."

Josie thought about it for a second "fine."

Finch smiled "okay thank you."

"What did you want to talk about little one," Freya said taking a seat on her niece's bed.

"Well I came up with a theory on the witch's motives and I wanted to run it but you, because you're like a powerful witch with all this knowledge and all" Hope, said opening the page of a book.

"I'm listening."

"So I've read through over a hundred books and this one stood out to me the most, what if this witch is planning to use the baby as a power source."

"That would explain why she did it in the first place, especially with two of my most powerful supernatural species your baby is gonna have a lot of power," Freya said.

"My exact point! I need to know if there's any way of finding out if the baby is linked to this witch."

"Well if what you are telling me is true then there's no way to unlink them unless you sever the link by killing the witch."

"How are we going to do that we have tried every spell in the book to track it down we haven't had any luck."

"Well, I assume when the baby is born the witch will most likely come and try and retrieve him or her so we have to wait."

"She," Hope said.

"What?" Freya asked confused.

"It's a girl."

"Oh," Freya smiled at the news.

"But It's just a waiting game for now I'm afraid."

"I hate having to wait around I feel helpless."

"This is out of your control little one right now all you need to do is be there for Josie."

Hope nodded and her Aunt pulled her into a hug.

When Josie and Finch entered the brunette's room she immediately got to the point.

"I want you back," Finch said.

"Absolutely not."

"Just think about this you and me we can leave mystic falls together," Finch said taking Josie's hand "we can raise the baby together and forget about the tribrid she's gonna cause the baby nothing but pain anyways."

Josie looked down at Finch's hand uncomfortably.

Suddenly Finch was being thrown into a wall.

"Are you insane?" Hope growled.

"I'm just thinking about what is best you don't exactly have the best ancestry who says you won't make the same mistakes."

Hope stuck her hand in Finch's chest and squeezed the girl's heart.

"Don't you ever talk to her again I swear to you I will kill you and don't EVER question my abilities to be a good mother."

Finch nodded fastly and Hope took her hand from the wolf's chest.

Finch immediately stumbled up and ran out of the room.

"Are you okay?" Josie asked.

Hope just stayed silent with her back to the brunette.

Josie walked around the auburn until she was facing her.

"Hey," Josie said lifting Hope's chin "don't listen to her you are one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

Hope just nodded.

Josie placed a kiss on Hope's cheek causing the auburn to blush before she pulled Hope into a hug.

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