Chapter 21

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When Hope woke up the following morning she saw a sleeping Josie holding a wide awake Andrea on her chest.

"Good morning beautiful," Hope
said leaning up and kissing Andrea's hand.

Andrea stared at her before turning her head and burying her face in the crook of Josie's neck.

"Do I get one?" Josie smiled and opened her eyes.

"Hm I suppose," Hope said before placing a kiss on Josie's lips.

"We have to do something about Finch and Landon" Josie sighed.

"Well I asked your mother and apparently some of my blood was taken from the infirmary so Finch is mostly likely sired to mean which means-"

"You can tell her to leave" Josie finished.

"Yeah" Hope smiled "so I'll compel Landon and Finch to leave us alone and never come near us again."

Josie moved closer to Hope and rested her head against the shorter girl "I just don't want anymore kidnapping I want Andrea to have an easy life not filled with having to worry about a monster trying to attack her."

"And I will make sure that happens I promise."

A little bit after breakfast Hope and Josie were called into Alaric's offices.

When they entered they immediately saw Finch and Landon tied to chairs with gags in their mouths.

Finch looked at Hope with wide eyes and tried yelling but she couldn't because of the gag.

Hope just smirked in response.

"We found them trying to attend class normally like they didn't just try and kill you" Lizzie scoffed.

"What are you gonna do with them," MG asked crossing his arms.

"I'm gonna compel them both to leave and never come back," Hope said.

"After they kidnapped Josie and Andrea? you're just going to let them off like that??"

Hope looked at Lizzie before turning her attention to Finch and Landon "i want you to leave mystic falls and never EVER come back if you even see me, Josie, or Andrea you will immediately stake yourself got it?" Hope said aggressively as she compelled them.

They both nod their heads.

"Get them out," Hope said interlocking her hand with Josie's and walking out of the office.

When they exited Josie immediately dragged Hope into an empty classroom.

"What's wrong-" Hope was cut off by the brunette pulling her into a kiss.

"Not that I'm complaining but what was that for," Hope said breathlessly.

"Seeing you like that was..." Josie looked at her with lust-filled eyes.

Hope smirked before picking the brunette up and setting her on one of the desks.

She immediately latched onto the taller girl's neck getting a low moan from her.

"C-Can we?" Josie asks her hand lingering low on the girl's waist.

"Are you sure?... I mean I know you haven't-" Hope said trailing off.

Josie pecked Hope on the lips "I'm sure."

If anyone wants me to attempt to write a smut scene for them next chapter lmk i'll do it for y'all 💀

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