Chapter 4

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"This has got to be a mistake you are playing a prank on me" Josie turned to Hope.

"Why would I prank you about something this serious."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"Josie I'm not!"

"I- I swear Hope I've never done anything with anyone i- i- don't know how this happened" Josie started crying.

Hope immediately wrapped her in a hug "it's okay... I believe you it's okay."

Josie cried into the crook of Hope's neck.

"I'll call my Aunt Freya okay? and I'll have her run some tests for you everything will be fine it's probably just a false positive" Hope whispered in her ear.

"You're right... okay..."

Hope pulled away "I'm gonna go call my Aunt Freya now okay?" she smiled at Josie who just nodded.

Josie was in class when she suddenly felt nauseous. She immediately ran out of the class ignoring the teacher calling her name.

Josie ran into the nearest bathroom and threw up the contents of her stomach.

A second later she heard the door open seeing her girlfriend Finch.

"Ew gross are you sick or something."

"Or something..." Josie sighed and leaned her back against the wall.

"I'm not kissing you with throw up on your mouth," Finch said.

"Wow thanks" Josie rolled her eyes.

"Well I'm gonna go you made me late for class," Finch said walking out.

Josie sighs.

She then hears the door open again "just go to class you said I made you late."

"What?" Hope said walking into the bathroom.

"Oh- nothing" she shook her head.

Hope noticed the state she was in and grabbed some paper towels and wet them "my Aunt Freya should be here soon she's gonna astral project and do some spells on you so we should probably head to my room" she said wiping the throw-up from the corner of Josie's mouth.

Josie just silently nodded and stood up and walked to the tribrid's room.

When they got there they noticed the older mikaelson witch was already there.

"Aunt Freya hey!" Hope smiled.

"Hey, little one" Freya smiled back.

"This is Josie" Hope stepped aside revealing the girl who waved shyly at her.

"Hi there Josie" Freya smiled kindly at her "could you sit on the bed for me and hold out your palm?"

Josie nodded before she sat down holding out her palm for the blonde who immediately cut into it and collected some of the brunette's blood in a bowl.

"This is gonna determine if you're actually pregnant," Freya said before she started chanting a spell.

Josie looked at the blood and noticed nothing was happening.

"Congratulation looks like you're going to be a mom."

"Do it again there's no way I am I can't be I've never done anything ever."

"I'm sorry but it says you are," Freya said.

"Then who's the other parent?? again I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WITH ANYONE."

"I can a spell to find that out," Freya said and Josie released a heavy sigh before nodding.

Freya then raised her hands over the brunette's stomach and started chanting a spell Josie didn't recognize.

Freya then stumbled back like a wave of magic just hit her. She then opened her eyes and looked at Hope then at Josie "that's impossible..."

Josie sat up more "what's impossible??"

"The other parent is Hope."


more will be explained as to why and how Hope is the other parent next chapter for those of you who are confused 💀

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