Chapter 17

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The moment Hope walked out of the basement she immediately told the super squad what Finch told her and they had the whole school searching the woods for the bunker Finch had mentioned.

"Jo!" Hope yelled.

"Josie!" she heard Lizzie tell as she shined her flashlight around the dark woods.

"Do you hear her?" Lizzie looked to Hope.

"Everyone be quiet" Hope said and used her vamp hearing to listen in.

Hope's heart started beating fast when she heard muffled screams "i- I got her!"

She kept walking until she stopped by a small door she saw badly covered by leaves.

Taking a deep breath she opened the hatch and climbed in.

"Josie?" Hope said turning on her flashlight.

"H-Hope?" she heard Josie say.

"Oh my god, Jo!" Hope immediately went and undid the restraints before pulling Josie into a hug.

"I thought I lost you" Hope whispered as she rested their foreheads together.

"Never" Josie smiled.

Landon who had come in behind Hope watched the interaction between the two.

Suddenly Josie pulled back "where- where is the baby where's Andrea."

"She's with MG" Hope smiled and stroked Josie's cheek with her thumb.

"Can we go- I want to see her."

"Of course let's go see our girl" Hope smiled before wrapping her arm around Josie and leading her up and out of the bunker where she was immediately pulled into a hug by her twin.

When they walked into the school MG was waiting at the entrance with Andrea resting in his arms.

Josie felt herself start to cry as she looked down at her baby.

"Here" MG smiled as he handed the baby to Josie who accepted her gratefully "thank you for keeping her safe MG" Josie gave him a side hug.

"Of course Jo anytime" he smiled before walking away.

Josie took Hope's hand leading them to her room for some privacy.

"I didn't think I'd ever see her or you again," Josie said sitting on her bed as she stroked Andreas' cheek with her thumb.

"I told you, you have me and I meant that I would've done anything to get you back."

Josie looked up at her and smiled "you should go sleep I'll watch her."

"I just got you back I don't think-"

"It's okay Lizzie will be in soon and I just want to spend time with Andrea I've been apart from her for a week, go sleep you look tired," Josie said.

"Right... but if you need anything I'm across the hall," Hope said placing a kiss on Josiems forehead.

"I know" she smiled.

When Hope walked out of the room Josie turned back to Andrea "I love you so much" she said kissing her daughter's cheek.

When Hope walked into her room she saw Landon sitting on her bed looking nervous.

"Are you okay?" Hope asks getting closer.

"I wanted to talk to you" Landon stood up.

"About what?" Hope raised an eyebrow.

"I... I think we should break up" he blurted out.

"Did- did I do something?" Hope asks confused.

"No! no I just..." he looked down "I've seen the way you look at her."

"Look at who?"


Hope gulped.

"It's the way I look at you" he smiled sadly "and I don't want to get in the way of your happiness."

"Landon l-"

"It's okay Hope it really is," he said "you can't help who you fall for... I mean come on you guys have a kid together you should give it a shot don't let me stop you."

"I'm sorry," Hope said her eyes becoming glossy.

"Shhh it's okay" he brought her into a hug "don't cry it's okay."

Down in the basement, a loud groan was heard.

"Well that was fun," Finch said as the vampire's veins flashed under her eyes.

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