Chapter 15

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A week ago

Finch was walking down the halls of the Salvatore school watching as Josie and Hope engaged in a conversation.

It made her blood boil seeing them together. She didn't want to stay away from the brunette but that tribrid was a maniac who didn't want them to be together.

Hope has been trying to ruin them since the moment they got together. Why couldn't Josie see that?

Sparing one last glance at Josie's beautiful smile Finch walked into the girl's bathroom.
When she entered she immediately went to the sink and splashed her face with water.

'Don't let her ruin Josie and your happiness' Finch thought to herself as she closed her eyes.

The wolf suddenly heard whispering and opened her eyes and looked around the bathroom noticing no one was in there "what the hell-" she said turning to the mirror and seeing a reflection that wasn't hers.

"Ah!" Finch yelled immediately backing away from the mirror.

"Your heart hurts I can feel it, my child," the woman in the mirror said.

"Who- what are you," Finch said.

"I am a witch" she smiled showing her rotted teeth.

"What do you want from me," Finch said making her way to the door.

"I have a proposition" the witch grinned.

"And what would that be," Finch said eyeing her.

"You bring me, Josie Saltzman and I will make your wish come true."

"My wish?"

"Josette will be yours! no distractions no baby she will be yours finally."

Finch stood there and thought about it "is this real?"

"I would not lie about something so serious... if you accept my offer meet me in the clearing just behind mystic falls high with Josie."

Suddenly the witch vanished from the mirror leaving Finch looking at her reflection.

Hope was out sparring with Josie's dad so the brunette decided to catch up on some studying.

She was now in the student lounge sitting on a couch with a book in her lap reading intently.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Finch slowly approaching her.

"You're supposed to stay away from me," Josie said looking up at the girl.

"I kind of need your help I think there might be a new monster in the front of the school."

"Okay- I'll get the super squad."

"NO!" Finch yelled.

Josie raised her eyebrow at the wolf.

"I mean- no- maybe we should check it out first we shouldn't worry everyone."

Josie slowly nodded "okay... I suppose that makes sense," she said getting up.

Finch and Josie both walked out of the school Josie leading the way.

"I don't see anything-" Josie said and was suddenly cut off by Finch hitting her in the back of the head.

Finch caught the brunette before she could fall "don't worry everything will be okay soon" she whispered to the unconscious girl. 

When Josie woke up she was tied down in a chair "where am I!" she yelled.

"You have finally decided to wake up," the witch said revealing herself.

"It's you-" Josie whispered.

"That it is and I'm so happy you have finally awoken now I can get this show on the road," the witch said snapping her hands immediately making Josie scream.

"What are you doing to me!" Josie said while yelling in pain.

"Well if it isn't obvious already I just made you go into labor" she laughed in a humorless way.

"No stop! please ah!" Josie then started pushing uncontrollably "why- why are you doing this to me."

"Shhh" she smiled "just one more push," she said and suddenly Josie heard a piercing cry.

Josie opened her eyes and saw the witch holding her baby "let me- let me see her give me my baby."

"She looks like you that she does," the witch said before laying the baby on the table.

"Give me my baby!" Josie yelled once more.

"Would you stop with all of that yelling" the witch rolled her eyes "come get your girl flinch" she called out.

Josie looked around confused until she saw Finch step out from behind a large tree.

"You helped her! I hate you!"

"I did this for us so we can be together!" Finch spat.

"I don't love you! I never want to be with you why can't you see that!"

"You are talking nonsense this is because of Hope, she brainwashed you and I will fix that."

"You can't fix-"

"Ad somnum," the witch said making Josie fall back unconscious.

"Get her out of my sights she has given me a headache" she waved them off.

Finch broke the chains that were holding Josie down and picked her up bridal style before walking her way through the woods.

"You are going to give me more power than I ever thought possible," the witch said looking down at the baby.

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