Chapter 20

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When Josie got back to the Salvatore school she headed straight to her room ignoring the concerned looks the super squad and her classmates were sanding her.

When Josie entered her room
Her body stilled as she stared at the person that was on her bed.

"Hope..." she whispered.

"Josie" Hope breathed out and immediately stood up.

"H-How y-you died" Josie shook her head.

"Please let me explain."

Josie just stood there still not believing Hope was here.

"I used a similar spell to the one you used when you cloned Landon... and I didn't tell you because it had to look as real as possible."

Josie stayed silent for a minute before she laid their sleeping daughter in her bassinet.

She stood there with her back to the shorter girl.

"Jo... please say something."

Josie turned around and pushed Hope back forcefully "why would you do that I thought you were dead for good!"


"I told you I loved you!"


"I kissed you!"


"And you're telling me that wasn't even you!" Josie pushed her one last time and the tribrid's back hit the wall hard.

"Jo you didn't let me finish, the spell it-"

"Get out."


"Get out!" Josie yelled and the door flung open.

"No, you know what I'm explaining myself first," Hope said closing the door.

Josie huffed and glared at the shorter girl.

"That spell made me in control of the clone. Everything that the clone said was all me! I told you I loved you too! I kissed you because I wanted to!"


"No Jo it's fine if you want to be mad then be mad" Hope started walking back towards the door but was immediately pulled back by Josie.

Hope turned her head and the brunette immediately pressed their lips together.

This kiss was a lot rougher than the first one they shared but it made Hope crave the brunette even more.

Hope gently bite down on the brunette's bottom lip causing her to let out a small moan.

Hope's hands immediately went to Josie's belt buckle but the taller girl stopped her.

"Not while we have a baby in the room" Josie giggled and placed a kiss on the pout Hope had on her face.

"You're right..."

"We can cuddle thought."

Hope smiled "i wouldn't be opposed to that idea."

Josie grabbed Hope's hand and brought her over to the bed where she spooned the shorter girl.

"You aren't mad?" Hope asked.

"I am, but right now I just want to hold you," the brunette said laying her head in the crook of Hope's neck breathing her in.

Omg so many of you thought she was actually dead it was quite funny but SUPRISEEE

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