Chapter 12

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Hope hadn't told Josie about the theory she came up with. She didn't think she should, it would only stress the brunette out more.

And after their most recent doctor's appointment, she was definitely sure she shouldn't. The baby was already measuring that of a thirty-eight-week baby even though the brunette had only been pregnant for about two months.

Hope wanted their daughter to stay in as long as possible so she could find a solution to kill the witch.

She didn't know the witch's weaknesses so she was going in blind. She needed to come up with a few options and fast she didn't know how long they had.

"My feet hurt" Josie groaned as she sit down next to Hope.
They both decided to partner up for their project in their potions class.

"Do you want to go to your room and lay down? I can take over our project I'm sure the teacher will understand" Hope suggested.

"No it's okay I don't want to leave you to all this work."

"I don't mind" Hope chuckled.

"Trust me it's fine plus we still have things to discuss."

"Like what?" Hope said crushing up some herbs and putting them in a cauldron then looking at the brunette.

"We still need to come up with a name" Josie poured the vile of blood into the cauldron.

Names. Right.

"Well, what were you thinking?" Hope said glancing at the brunette.

"Well hear me out on this I was looking through names and I happened to stumble on your middle name..."

"You want to name our daughter Andrea" Hope chuckled.

"It's cute!!" Josie pouted.

Hope chuckled again "okay how about you can pick her first name and I'll pick her middle name and if you like the name Andrea I'm fine with it."

Josie beamed "deal!"

"Here's another question whose last name will she have" Hope asked.

"Well, I'd like her to have your last name if that's okay?" Josie asked.

"Of course that's okay" she smiled softly at the brunette.

"Ooo are we talking about baby names," Lizzie said interrupting them.

"Don't you have school to terrorize or first years to boss around?" Hope rolled her eyes.

"That's tomorrow" Lizzie waved her off "plus I couldn't help but overhear your conversation I thought I'd give my opinion."

"Great... just what we need," Hope said and immediately got an elbow to the ribs from Josie.

"Ow!" Hope looked at her and Josie just gave her a sweet smile.

"I for one think Elizabeth is a classic and ageless name," Lizzie said resting her chin on her palm with a smile.

"No way in hell-"

Another jab to the ribs.

"We'll think about it" Josie smiled at her sister.

"All I'm asking," Lizzie said turning back around in her chair.

"I think you broke a rib" Hope groaned as she rubbed her rib.

"Good thing you're the almighty tribrid."

Hope grinned before bumping her shoulder into Josie's.

"You're being extra aggressive today," Hope said as she knocked Alaric off his feet.

They were on the dock sparring like they did every week.

He didn't say anything and punched her.

"Ow, what the fuck we are sparring not full-on trying to knock my eyes out."

"You have to toughen up" he glared at her and tried punching her again.

"Are you seriously still mad I told you it wasn't our fault the witch did this."

"Yeah, and you still chose to keep that abomination" Alaric spat out.

"Don't call my daughter that! and it was Josie's decision which I supported."

"If you loved her you would've convinced her to get rid of it."

"If you love you then you should act like it, show her some support instead of being a dick," Hope said ramming into his shoulder roughly before walking away from the docks.

When Hope walked into the school she was met with a panicked Lizzie.

"She-she i- I can't-" Lizzie said.

"Woah Woah calm down what happened."

"Josie's gone."

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