Chapter 14

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"You're okay little one," Hope said laying a fussy Andrea in the bassinet she had next to the table in the library.

Hope had been in the library searching maps and books for hidden places in mystic falls that Josie could be.

The super-squad or well- more like Lizzie refused to let her leave the school to search for Josie she had told her that Andrea was already missing one parent and that she didn't need to lose another.

And as much as she wanted to be out there Lizzie was right. Andrea was her main priority right now and she was gonna protect her.

So this is what Hope was doing so she didn't feel useless.

"Are you seriously still in here?" Lizzie asked walking into the library with a cup of coffee.

Hope looked up from Andrea and saw Lizzie walking to her.

"Yeah I'm seriously still in here," she said with sleepy eyes.

"Why don't you get some rest I'll watch over Andrea," Lizzie said sitting down on the table slightly.

"No I got it she's my responsibility" Hope yawned and looked back over to the map she was looking at, her eyes were slowly drooping.

"Yeah no, go to sleep, in my experience, a sleepy tribrid is a cranky tribrid" Lizzie said ushering Hope out of the chair and towards the exit.

"Fine fine just make sure she eats in like an hour" Hope rubbed her eyes.

"Aye Aye captain," Lizzie said soluting Hope.

Hope rolled her eyes before making her wag out of the library.

"Your momma is so stubborn sometimes yes she is" Lizzie smiled at her niece.

Finch watched as Hope went to her room. The wolf immediately grinned before walking out of the school.

Finch walked for about ten minutes until she stopped in-front of a bunker. She took out a key and undid the lock before climbing in.

"Hey" Finch smiled.

"What are you not going to talk today?"

"Fuck off!" Josie said trying to charge at her but was immediately stopped by her restraints.

"You know they are still looking for you it's quite pathetic."

"Please just let me go i need to see my daughter."

"Why? Hope and Lizzie are taking good care of her you can stay here and be with me... the way it was always supposed to be... just us..."

"I don't want to be with you! i just want to leave!" Josie started pulling on her restraint "i want to leave!" she yelled once more.

"Shhh" Finch said tucking a strand of the brunettes hair behind her ear "im gonna work to change your mind."

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