Chapter 5

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"What are you talking about??" Hope said freaking out.

"The spell... the child is yours and Josie's," Freya said.

"That- that isn't possible" Hope shakes her head "I'm a girl and Josie is a girl- and we didn't do anything so that isn't possible... so run the test again" Hope said pacing around the room.

"If I run it again it's just going to show the same results and I don't have much time left the astral projecting is about to end."

And with that Josie and Hope saw Freya fade away.

Josie had her face hidden in her hands "I don't understand how this happened."

Hope's pacing stopped when she came to a realization "the witch-"


"The witch! the one that made us pass out! she must have done this with that spell she was chanting."

"A magical pregnancy with a spell? doesn't sound very likely."

"Says the girl who was literally transported into her vampire mother when she was a clump of cells!" Hope said.

"Okay... fair point" Josie sighed.

"What are we gonna do," Josie asked.

"I don't know-" Hope said and her phone suddenly buzzed and when she picked it up she saw a text from Landon.

"It's Landon- OH GOD Landon!" Hope covered her face "he's gonna think I cheated on him and Finch don't even get me started on her she already hates me she's gonna think this was all my fault."

"It's no one's fault we'll just have to talk to them and explain what happened... we'll use the truth orb to show them we aren't lying..."

Hope sighed before she sat next to Josie
"We should probably let your family know first... then tell Landon and Finch."

"My parents are gonna be so mad," Josie said bringing her knees to her chest.

"I'm gonna go paint... it will help me process this whole situation... but Jo... I will be here for you no matter what okay? you have me" Hope said gently squeezing Josie's knee.

Josie gave her a small smile before Hope walked out of the room.

When Hope walked into her room she immediately grabbed a canvas and started painting.

She was having a baby.

She was having a baby with Josie.

Josie her best friend.

This is such a messed-up situation. How was she supposed to take care of a baby she could barely take care of herself.

She swiped the brush along the canvas as she was deep in thought.

Why would the monster just make Josie pregnant with her child it made no sense if you thought about it there had to be a motive behind this.

But Hope didn't know what.

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