Chapter 3

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When Josie woke up she immediately saw a figure standing by her window.

"Who's there?" Josie said.

The figure turned and it was revealed to be Hope.

"Hey, Jo" Hope smiled.

"Hey," Josie said rubbing her eyes "how long was I asleep for?"

"Only a few hours," she said joining Josie on the bed.


"Hm?" Josie said looking at her.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, you can."

"Are you pregnant?"

Josie started laughing harder than she has before but that laughter stopped when she saw the serious expression on Hope's face.

"Are you seriously asking me that?"

"I... I heard a heartbeat in your stomach."

"Hope... I'm dating a girl that's impossible."

"You can tell me you know I'm your best friend I wouldn't judge you."

"I didn't cheat on Finch! and I'm not pregnant."

"Josie I know what I heard."

"I'm a virgin!" Josie yelled.

Hope's eyes widened "Josie- I'm sorry I just-."

"You want me to prove I'm not? go get me a test."


"Go get me a test," Josie said firmly.

Hope sighed before walking out of the room and making her way to the nurse's office and grabbing one.

When she walked back into the room and put the test on the bed "you don't have to prove anything Josie... I was just so sure of what I heard."

"Which is why I'm about to prove to you I'm not so you stop worrying," Josie said grabbing the test and making her way into the bathroom.

Josie came out a minute later and set the test on the dresser as the results loaded in.

She immediately went back and sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry Jo if I offended you."

Josie shakes her head "it's fine you probably just heard my heartbeat."

"Yeah maybe..."

About three minutes had passed.

"You can go check it now," Josie said leaning back and going on her phone.

Hope sighed before getting up and grabbing the test.

"Uh... Jo..." Hope's eyes widened.

Josie looked up at her and her eyebrows scrunched together "what?"

Hope gestured towards the rest but no words were coming out of her mouth.

Josie got up off the bed and looked at the test in Hope's hands.

"What the fuck."

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