Chapter 18

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Things have finally gotten somewhat normal back at the Salvatore school. New monsters started showing up every week again, Josie had started up her classes, and everyone was going back to their normal lives not having to worry about the witch or Josie being missing anymore.

"Good morning," Hope said kissing Andreas' head before looking up at Josie.

"Good morning" the brunette smiled.

"How was she last night?" Hope said handing Josie a coffee.

"She actually slept through the night can you believe it?"

"That's my girl," Hope said with a smile.

In the distance, Finch was peeking at them through a window.

"We'll do it later," Finch said to a person on the phone.

"Meet me at the entrance with a car."

"Why? because I said so!" Finch hissed.

When Hope and Josie arrived at their class Lizzie immediately approached them.

"Okay, so I've been thinking."

"Oh, that's dangerous" Hope commented.

Lizzie rolled her eyes "anyways I was looking through a few spellbooks and I was thinking maybe we put a few up safety spells up for any monster or people that may try and attack, just so we can keep Andrea safe."

Josie nodded "Hope and I were thinking about doing that too we should do it tomorrow."

Lizzie nodded "works for me."

After their classes, Hope and Josie both went back to the brunette's room to lay Andrea down.

"Goodnight my love" Josie placed a gentle kiss on Andrea's cheek who just cooed in response.

Josie then proceeded to walk Hope out of the room before she went inside her bathroom which was about a couple of inches from where Andrea was.

As quietly as possible Finch opened the window to Josie's room and climbed in being careful to not make any noise.

When Finch was in she walked over to the bassinet that was by Josie's bed and looked down at the sleeping baby.

Finch picked the baby up before quickly climbing out of the window.

A minute later Josie stepped out of the bathroom brushing her teeth. She walked over to where Andrea's bassinet was to check on her not seeing her daughter there.

Josie immediately ran out of her room and started banging on Hope's door.

When Finch got to the front of the school she immediately got into the black car that was waiting for her.

"You got her?" Landon said.

"I got her" Finch said opening her coat and revealing a sleeping baby.

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