Chapter 6

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Telling Josie's family didn't go as well as they were expecting. They both had thought they would be more supportive seeing as it wasn't their fault.

"This is all your fault!" Alaric said grabbing Hope by the jacket.

Hope flashed her wolf eyes at him.

"Dad this was no one's fault! let her go!" Josie said attempting to pull Hope out of Alaric's grasp.

Suddenly Caroline grabbed Alaric by the shoulder and threw him back. He landed in his office chair.

"Stay there" Caroline warned.

Alaric just glared at her in response.

"Never in my 17 years of life have I ever thought you would have a baby with that" Lizzie gestured towards Hope "let's hope it doesn't have her looks."

Hope tried to go towards Lizzie but was stopped by Josie's hand on her shoulder.

Caroline ignored Lizzie's comment and turned to Josie and Hope clearing her throat "have you decided what you're going to do?"

"I'm... gonna keep it- I've been thinking about it and that's the only decision I could come to."

"Okay then... we need to start you on prenatal vitamins... I need to call Elena so she can do checkups on you" she sighed "just go back to your room, for now, we'll talk more later."

Josie nodded and nudged Hope out of the room.

"Well that went amazing," Hope said fixing her jacket.

Josie sighed "yeah and we still have more people to tell" she sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

They both decided to tell Landon and Finch together so they could explain the situation.

Finch sat down and eyed them "this is weird."

"Did something happen?" Landon asks confused as he looked at Josie and Hope who were sitting across from him.

Hope cleared her throat and readjusted the way she was sitting "uh yeah-" she looked to Josie "um so" she gestured to the brunette "uh."

"Spit it out I don't have all day" Finch rolled her eyes.

"Well you remember that monster that knocked me and Hope out?" Josie said and Finch and Landon slowly nodded.

"Well... before we passed out it used a spell on us that spell made her pregnant with my baby.... uh- we don't know why we are still trying to figure that out," Hope said slowly so they understood.

"You fucking cheated on me!" Finch said pointing an accusing finger at Josie.

"I didn't cheat on you! do you realize what world we live in and what school we go to? is it that hard to accept the idea that a monster did this??"

Landon just sat there staring at Hope.

"Well, you're getting rid of it right?" Finch said.

Hope stood up and glared at Finch "that shouldn't be any of your concern."

"She's MY girlfriend I think it is."

"Yeah but it's OUR baby and that is Josie's decision."

"Yeah well, I trust she's gonna make the right choice and get rid of it so we can move on with our lives."

Landon slowly got up before walking towards the door.

"Landon-" Hope said walking towards him.

"Don't-" he said stopping her "I know it isn't your fault... I just- need time to process this if that's okay?" he said.

"Yeah... okay that's fine..." Hope said backing up.

And with that Landon walked out of the room.

Hope then turned back to Finch and Josie who seemed to be in an argument.

"Just think about it Josie this thing is gonna ruin our life."

"Don't say something like that are you serious right now?"

"I am," Finch said "seriously get rid of it," she said before walking out of the door.

"Why would she say something like that."

"It's Finch I wouldn't expect anything less" Hope sighed before wrapping Josie in a hug.

"Just don't listen to her she has no idea what she is talking about" Hope whispered in her ear.

Josie just nodded and wrapped her arms around Hope.

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