Chapter 19

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If there are any spelling or grammar mistakes I honestly don't care 💀 you know what I'm trying to say regardless 🤷‍♀️

I'm not a professional writer i do it for fun.


"What do you mean she is gone!" Hope growled and ran into Josie's room looking into the bassinet.

"I went into the bathroom for a minute! and when I came out she was gone" Josie covered her face and started crying.

"Why didn't you watch her!" Hope yelled.

"I was gone a minute don't blame this on me! I already feel awful enough."

"I'm sorry i-" Hope was cut off by the sound of Josie's phone ringing.

Josie quickly grabbed her phone seeing an unknown number.

"Hello?" she said putting it on speaker.

"Hello" came Finch's voice.

"Finch... that's not possible you're dead," said the auburn.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you still thought that... well surprise I'm not!"

"You know what I don't care I have something important to deal with and talking to you isn't gonna help me."

"Oh, I think it will,  you see I have something that belongs to you," the girl on the other line said.

"And what would that be " Hope said her voice falling short when she hears Andrea crying on the other line.

"If you touch even a hair on her head I will kill you," the brunette said.

"Woah Woah calm down I came to you for a deal."

"A deal??"

"You bring Hope to me and I dagger her with the red oak... and in exchange, you can have your daughter back."

"That will kill Hope" Josie shook her head.


"No, we-" Hope immediately spoke over Josie.

"We agree to your deal... meet us in the woods behind mystic falls in thirty minutes."

And with that Hope hung up and phone and looked at a shocked Josie.

"Hope no! y-you can't! you'll die!" Josie sputtered.

"She's our daughter I won't let Finch harm her even if that means I die."

"I can't lose you."

Hope looked down and stood there in silence "I'm gonna go get something from my room then we are going to get our daughter" she said before walking across the hall."

About twenty minutes later Hope and Josie walked into the clearing seeing Finch holding

Andrea. When Hope looked closer she saw Landon standing next to the girl.

"Landon?" Hope asked confused.

"Oh did I forget to tell you my bad! Landon here has been helping me plan this for a couple of days" Finch smiled.


"Well in his own words 'if I can't have her no one can' or something along those lines"  Finch waved her off.

"Now let's do this," the wolf said.

Hope started walking towards Finch and Landon but was immediately pulled back by Josie.

"Wait-" said the brunette who looked at Hope with teary eyes.

"What's wrong-" she was cut off by the brunette cupping her face and pressing her lips to the tribrid's own.

Hope melted into the kiss.

When the brunette pulled away she rested her forehead on Hope's "I love you."

"Y-You do?" Hope looked into the brunette's teary eyes.

"I'm sorry I should've told you sooner."

"I love you too" Hope sadly smiled "take care of our girl... tell her about me..."

Josie nodded "I will I promise," she said tears streaming down her face.

"God you are so perfect," Hope hugged the brunette.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" Josie cried.

"Everything is going to be okay..." Hope said kissing Josie's neck.

"How is you being gone going to make anything okay??"

"It won't but... you will live with it you can let yourself grieve... but she needs you," Hope said gesturing towards Andrea.

"Hurry up" Finch rolled her eyes.

Hope placed one last kiss on Josie's lips "I love you" she said before she hesitantly walked over to Finch.

"Give her the baby and let her drive away before we do anything."

Finch raised her eyebrow before handing the baby to Landon who brought the baby over to Josie and placed her in the brunette's arms.

Josie stole one last glance at Hope before she ran off to the car.

"Let's get this done," Hope said standing before Finch with her chin held high.

"How noble of you Hope Mikaelson" Finch smirked before she stabbed the red oak stake into the tribrids chest without any hesitation.

Hope looked down at the stake in her chest before she looked up at Finch as she slowly decomposed.

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