chapter 2.

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After a long argument they start their journey to cloud recesses and 2 days later they reach there. They reach in the front of main door and said to a pupil " We are here to meet madam lan yi. Please inform her."

"Where you all come from."the pupil asked.

"From yiling" a servent send who was come from yiling with them.

"Okay." The pupil said and went.

After some time a handsome man come with that pupil and politely greet Cangse Sanren .

"How was your journey madam wei. My name is Lan Xichen." Xichen said very politely.

"Nice to meet you prince. Journey was really very nice." Cangse Sanren said with smile.

"How are you emperor wei. nice to meet you." Xichen said and greet him.

"Me too crown prince."wei wuxian said and also greet him.

"Grandmother was waiting for you all. Please come with me." Xichen said and start walking.

"Mother, I don't want to go " wuxian whined.

"Shut up and we are going,understan"
wei cangse said

"Ok" wuxian said unwillingly and they left.

Lan yi's chamber

Lan xichen enter in chamber after few minutes wei wuxian and wei cangse enter in chamber Lan yi saw wei Cangse and recognise her.

"Cangse is it you?" she said in a shock.

"Yes Ah-yi, it's me your friend" wei cangse said and went to her and hug her. Lan yi also hug her and happy tears come out from her eye.

Meanwhile with wuxian and xichen both are dumbfoundly watching all drama and can't understand anything.

"Xichen, she's my childhood friend, Cangse " she said

"Oh " xichen said

"Yes wuxian, she is my friend" wei
cangse said.

"I can see" he said . He wants to ask many questions but didn't want to ask infront of much people.

They talk about all matter and wei wuxian had to be persuaded to help.

"I am ready to help you, i'll fight with wens but what do I get from that" he said .

In this moment Wei cangse want to stop him because this moment he is not her son, he is a emperor.

"What can we give you in return" xichen asked.

"I'll ask whenever I want" wuxian said.

"Okay we will give you what you want but first you have to won."lan yi said with a stick face. Wuxian nodded.

"I think we need some rest, right mother?" wuxian said.

"Hmm" she said and nod.

Xichen called a pupil who shows them their rooms and cangse went to her chamber but wuxian was curious to see cloud recesses so he went to she it. He was roaming everywhere when his eyes catch a beautiful creature. That creature was wearing a white rob. He only can see his back.

When wuxian take some step he can see his beautiful face with golden eyes, and white skin, long hairs. His long eyelashes with sharp nose. His lovely lips. He was feeding some rabbits and the way he was touching and careing them it's so lovely to see.

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