chapter 3.

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After everything next morning wangji was in his room and thinking about wuxian that what he heard was true or not. His eyes filled with some memories.


Wangji was on his way to go somewhere when he noticed two ladies talking about someone.

"You know, emperor can control countless spirit in one secend " first lady said.

"And he is so crual. He still doesn't think before killing someone." first lady added.

"Yes ,I have also heard that he killed Mao clan brutally" second lady said

"He also have anger issues"first lady again said.

"And his looks are also very bad. His whole face was burn and many scars on his face."second lady said.

"And his behaviour is also.... Ah second Prince, ah..." First lady was saying something more but she saw wangji and stop.

"You both have to focus on your work not on that matters."wangji said with strat face.

"We're sorry second Prince."they both ladies said, bowed and went.

..... Flashback end.....

His thoughts were broke when he heard a knock on his door. He opened his door and saw a pupil standing. The pupil bow him and said." Second prine, madam lan is calling you."

"Hmm." Wangji nod and go to lan yi's room.

He was on his way when suddenly someone come in front of him with a sweet smile on his face.

"E-Emperor, you." Wangji sutter.

Wuxian was just smiling

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Wuxian was just smiling. Wuxian was staring at wangji. His face, his eyes, nose, (oh my god he is so cute) everything was perfect.

" Where are you going little prince." Wuxian asked.

"In grand maa's room."wangji said looking down.

"Why are you looking down little prince?, are you trying to avoid me or are you angry with me?" He asked

"No" wangji said in hurry.

Wuxian smiled and said "so why are you avoiding eye contact."

"I-I was just, I am sorry." Wangji said.

"Why are you saying sorry to me?"wuxian asked.

"Actually yesterday night, I did wrong. I think that you are a thief so I just I'm sorry." Wangji apologized.

"It's okay that was a mistake so I don't mind it but..." Wuxian stop in his middle sentence.

"But??"wangji was confused.

"Yesterday when you hear my identity you were shocked to hear my name. Why?" Wuxian questioned.

"I-I.. aiyo.. okay I will tell you the truth but you have to promise me that you will not take it seriously."wangji said all words in one go.

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