Chapter 9.

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After knowing everything wangji come back to his chamber silently. He entered in his chamber, there was no one. He lock his room. Wangji go to his bed and started to cry silently. He was crying but don't know why. His heart was feeling unknown pain. He was not sure about his feelings but suddenly a voice came in his mind.

'do you trust me?'

'Always believe me.'

'I will never break your trust.'

These words fill his mide suddenly he stop crying and wipe his tears. He wants his answers but he don't want to force some one. He can wait for Wuxian to tell him everything. His heart was telling him to believe on his husband.

It's noon now. Wuxian had finished his work. He went to wangji's chamber. It was already lunch time. When he entered in the chamber, he saw that wangji was reading a book half lying in the bed. He was looking heavenly in this time but his eyes was swollen and his nose was also red. When he realised that someone had come in the room, he got up from bed and greet him.

"What happened wangji why your eyes is looking red, were you cryed" wuxian asked with concern and went near to wangji

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"What happened wangji why your eyes is looking red, were you cryed" wuxian asked with concern and went near to wangji.

"Why were you crying" wuxian asked and cupped wangji's cheeks.

" A-actually.. I..I was missing my grandma" wangji said while sobbing.

"Sss it's nothing, don't cry wangji. If you want we can visit our grandma. Don't waste your precious tears." Wuxian was calming him. He can't see his beloved's tears. He look at wuxian's face and stopped sobbing.

"Come with me let's have some lunch" wuxian said very softly and hold wangji's hands. Wangji just nod in reply.

They both sat faceing each other. Maids started serving food. Both of them started to eat. They didn't talk so much with each other. After eating they both spend some time with eachother. Then wuxian again went to his work. Wangji's remaining day spent in reading books and talk with riuyi and yufei.

In the evening

"The court is dismiss" Emperor Wuxian said loudly and went from there. Again he remembered wangji's crying face. Wuxian was thinking that if somehow wangji heard about yanxi and his marriage, he will definitely become very sad and he don't want to see wangji crying. He was conserned for wangji that's why he went to his mother's chamber for talking to her.

When Wuxian reached in front of cangse's chamber all maids bow to him. Wuxian enter in her chamber. He saw his mother talking with wen qing.

"Mamma...." He called out.

She took a look at him and said to wen qing "wen qing, tell whoever has come that I don't want to talk, I'm busy."

"Mamma atle..." Wuxian about to say more but stoped by his mother.

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