Chapter 26.

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Next day

Wangji woke up and look here and there and found himself alone. He was not late even he wake up early today. He slowly climb down from his bed when yufei and riuyi entered in the chamber.

"Ohh.. empress you woke up early today." Yufei said politely with genuine smile.

Wangji nod his head with pout. After that wangji did his morning routine and get fully ready.

Wen Qing entered in chamber. She went towards wangji and smile. When wangji saw her he asked "Qing jie, you here."

"Hm.. wangji when you were unconscious that time I was not in the palace that's why I couldn't come to look for you. I am so sorry wangji. But now I am here so i think to visit our empress." Wen Qing said with smile and wangji also smile in return.

"Please don't say sorry jie. Its okay and I am very happy to see you here." Wangji replied.

"So how are you feeling now." Qing asked.

"Good..." Wangji replied softly.

They had some chit chat with each other. From Qing's word, wangji come to know that Wuxian is out of palace today and he will comeback directly at night.

Wangji's whole day went to visit his mother in law. He reads some books and talk with riuyi and yufei. He was in his chamber whole day because he don't want to face that evil lady.

Now it's late night and wangji was waiting for his husband because according to Wen Qing, Wuxian will come back at night but there is no sign of him.

"Empress.." riuyi called out who just entered in.

"Hun.." Wangji look at her.

"Empress, i got to know that Emperor will come late at night because he is stuck in some work so you should eat your dinner." Riuyi said  But wangji didn't replied.

Looking that yufei said " wangji, you are weak. Our emperor will be upset if he come to know that you didn't eat anything. Please have your dinner." She said affectionately.

"Yes yufei jie." Wangji replied and went for dinner. After dinner he was come to his study table and started to read a book and waiting for Wuxian but when he fall asleep he himself don't know.

Next morning

Next day when wangji woke up he found himself alone in bed.

"Did Emperor come here last night." Wangji asked riuyi who was arranging wangji's robs.

"Yes but he again left early in the morning." Riuyi answered.

After his daily routine and breakfast wangji went for a walk. Riuyi and yufei was also with him. He saw outside decoration. Wedding's preparations was going on but some other preparations were also going.

"Is there anything special today." Wangji asked yufei but before she can reply someone cut her.

"Yes, there is a special banquet today." Yanxi replied who was stand some steps away from them. She come to wangji and continued his words " you know Emperor want to held this banquet before our wedding. I think he is very excited for our marriage." Yanxi said and start laughing.

"But the banquet happens after marriage, doesn't it?" Wangji asked yufei but again yanxi interrupt.

"Yes but it's our Emperor's order." She said with a smirk.

"Did i ask you? And don't show me your ugly smirk." Wangji said with angry face.

"Oh.. empress, why are you so angry i just come here to inform you and give you this." She said and forwarded some robs to wangji.

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