Chapter 29.

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Wuxian entered the wedding chamber. He saw that the chamber was decorated with red curtains, red flowers and red candles. He walk inside the chamber and saw wangji who was sat on the bed in wedding robs and his face was covered by veil.

Wuxian slowly walk towards him and knelt infront of him. He slowly remove the veil from wangji's face. Wangji was looking down all the time but slowly rise his eyes and look at Wuxian. They both smiled. Wuxian cares his face and smile.

"You look so beautiful.." Wuxian said and wangji's cheeks flushed.

"You also look handsome..." Wangji said in low voice and Wuxian giggled seeing his shy wife.

He stood up and take two cup of wine. And forward one towards wangji.

"I don't drink alcohol." wangji said.

"I know that, you just touch the cup with your lips then the ritual will be completed" Wuxian said and wangji nod his head.

Then Wuxian drink his wine in one go and wangji just touch the cup by his lips and forward the cup to Wuxian. Wuxian take cup from Wangji and drink his wine. Seeing this wangji smile.

After all ritual are finish. Wuxian sat beside wangji. Wuxian slowly started to remove hairpins from wangji's hairs.

"Wangji..." Wuxian called out looking direct in his eyes.

"Hm..." wangji said.

"Can you tell me, yesterday what kind of book you were reading." Wuxian said like he is the most innocent person in the whole world.

"Marriage book..." Wangji replied shortly.

"And what you read in the marriage book." Wuxian again asked.

Listening this wangji's face become red because of embarrassment. And instead of replying he hit wuxian's chest playfully.

"I am serious, tell me what you read in that book, atleast i have to know that what my little wifey learn from that book" Wuxian said teasing wangji.

"Gege don't tease me..." Wangji whine.

"Hehehe... Okay okay i will not tease you" Wuxian said and make wangji sit on his lap. He remove all jewellery, wangji was wearing.

Wuxian kiss on wangji's clothed shoulder sending shiver in wangji's spine and called out "wifey."

"Hm..." Wangji said in very low voice.

"I can teach you more better than a book" Wuxian said in deep voice while removing wangji's long hair from back and softly kiss on his neck. And Wangji close his eyes.

"Can I " Wuxian said in husky voice and kiss on wangji's jawline. Wangji slowly nod his head and put his head on wuxian's shoulder exposing his milky white neck.

Wangji was so aroused by wuxian's words and kisses. He just want Wuxian to touch him more, love him more. And Wuxian was also feeling same. He also want wangji too much and wangji's exposed neck was making him more aroused.

Wuxian lowered his head and kiss wangji's neck then lick it. Wuxian started to kiss and suck his Adam apple. Wangji's eyes were still closed. he take his hand on wuxian's head and started to cares his open long hair. But suddenly Wuxian bite on his neck.

"Ahh.. Xian ge.." wangji moan and clutch wuxian's hair lightly.

Hearing his wifey moaning his name make Wuxian more excited and aroused. Wuxian smirk and make wangji sit properly on his lap, so they both can saw eachother's face properly. They both were looking at eachother.

Wangji can clearly saw that Wuxian want eat him so badly. His body was heating up and face become fully red. Seeing his adorable cute little wifey Wuxian chuckled.

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