Chapter 25.

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A maid come inside the chamber and greeted them. She said "princess yanxi has arrived here and wants your permission to meet Empress."

"Ahh.. now why she is here" cangse said in frustration.

"Said her to come in." Wuxian said and that maid left the chamber.

"Why you give her permission to come." Cangse asked her son in irritate tone who was looking at some scrolls and important papers.

"She just wants to meet wangji, so let her meet." He replied casually looking at scroll.

After sometime Yanxi came inside and greet them with smiling face. When wangji saw her face, he feels to kill her immediately but he control his anger becouse he don't want to create any mess.

"Your highness, i am very happy that you are ok now, because without your presence how can i start my new life with Emperor. You know i was so stressed. Only some days are left for our marriage." She said with a shy smile on her cheap face.

"What you said? How many days are left." Wangji asked with Surprised face.

"Only four days." She replied proudly.

"From when I was unconscious." Wangji asked looking at his mother and then Wuxian.

But before they both can answer, yanxi interrupt them " now it's been two weeks from when you was unconscious."

"Yanxi, don't you think you are talking to much." Cangse said. Her face was cold.

But without paying attention on her, yanxi turn towards Wuxian and said making cute pout" Emperor i am a little angry on you. It's been so long when you last visit me. Why did not you come to visit me."

"Actually i was busy in these days." Wuxian replied politely while looking at his papers. Wangji's face was blank inside his body blood was boiling because of anger but he didn't show it to others.

"Actually Emperor i want to ask you something. No.. no actually i want something from you as a wedding gift." Yanxi said and blushed. Wangji's face was red from anger and he want to punch that evil lady and throw her out from the palace.

"We will talk about it later. Now you should leave." Wuxian said calmly. Yanxi nod and smile at Wuxian and left the chamber.

"Gift..." Cangse said sarcastically but Wuxian didn't t pay attention on her words. When cangse saw that she throw a pillow on wuxian's face and said " you have never given me a single gift and she is asking for a gift."

"Ahh. Don't hit me mamma, it hurts and what you want i give a beautiful son in law. What do you want else." Wuxian said making a pouty face.

"And you are also going to give me a evil daughter in law which i don't want at all." She said with angry yet cute face.

"What if she ask for your thron as a gift or she asked you to leave wangji then what will you do." She yell at Wuxian.

"Mamma, first let her ask then i will thik about it." He replied in assuring tone. And cangse was looking at him with anger.

'A-Xian i know there is something going in your mind but i don't understand what is it.' she thought.

"Okay listen, get lost from here." She said annoyingly.

"Why i want to spend some time with wangji." Wuxian said trying to convince his mother.

"No need for that, go and do prepration for your special gift. Go" she said sarcastically and drag Wuxian to the door.

"Okay fine i am going." Wuxian said and a last time look at wangji whose face was down and left the chamber.

Cangse come to wangji said sit in front of him and take his hand in her hands "don't take his words seriously.
Son, you need rest now so don't take any kind of pressure." She said while rubbing wangji's hand affectionately.

Wangji nod and after kissing wangji's forehead she also left the chamber.

At night

Whole day pass in a blink. wangji was in his chamber and he was resting. Wuxian enter in room with some maid who had bring food. They placed the food on table and left from there.

After their leave Wuxian invite wangji to come and eat but Wangji said "first explain me everything."

"Okay i will but first you should come to me and sit beside me." Wuxian said patting beside his and wangji sit on that place.

"Okay so listen, i think yanxi is..." Wuxian was about to say more but he stopped in middle and look at the door then his eyes again turn towards wangji and he smiled.

"Wangji i think yanxi is a good match for me and also she is not that much bad and also she is also beautiful." Wuxian was smiling.

"Why are you saying like that. How can you think she is good. She is..." But before wangji could say more Wuxian cut his words.

"You should eat something or else you will get sick." Wuxian said looking at food then again he look at the door.

Wangji's tears started to flow and he was bubbling "you don't love me anymore right. You started to love that evil lady. You are also a very bad person. I hate you but i can't hate you becouse i love you."

"Oh.. sweetheart i still love you" Wuxian said and make wangji to sit on his lap and wip his tears. Wangji slap his hand and said "don't touch me you are a very bad man."

"Wangji i love you more than anything in this world" Wuxian said.

"You are lying" wangji said with teary eyes and hit wuxian's chest with his small fist. Wuxian smile at wangji's cute action and kiss him on his forehead.

"Listen whatever is going on let it be okay and believe me." Wuxian said and wangji buried his face in wuxian's chest. When Wuxian feels that wangji is calm down now. He said "Now don't stress your self and eat your dinner. Your health is most important for me."

Wuxian took some soup and started to feed wangji. This time wangji also did not denied. After feeding wangji Wuxian also eat his dinner but this whole time wangji was in his lap and hugging him.

When Wuxian finished eating he look at wangji he saw that wangji was sleeping peacefully on his chest. He was looking very beautiful and adorable. Seeing his cute little wifey sleeping Wuxian smiled and stole a kiss from him secretly.

He picked wangji in his arms and take him to the bed. He make him lay in bed and covered him with blanket. Then lay down beside him and hug him protectly. Feeling the warmth from Wuxian, Wangji also hug him tightly and hid his face in his chest.

"Sleep well my love" Wuxian said and he also drifted to sleep.

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Hope you like it 🥰🥰

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