Chapter 30.

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Next morning

Wangji open his eyes and found himself laying on top of wuxian's chest. He look at Wuxian and smile softly. He tried to get up but hissed in pain.

"Aaahh..." Wangji moan in pain and touch his back. Then again look at Wuxian.

"Look how comfortably he is sleeping after giving me this much pain" wangji said and his cheeks flushed red thinking about last night.

"Oh.. does it really paining" Wuxian said lazily opening his eyes.

"You were awake? And yes it's paining now" wangji said throwing tantrums and hit wuxian's chest with his small fist.

Wuxian smile and sat on bed comfortably. He make wangji sat on his lap. Wangji cross his legs around Wuxian's waist and snaked his hands around his neck. And Wuxian was holding wangji's waist and massaging it slowly.

"Sorry, but you know you were looking very alluring and sexy beneath me and when you moan my name and demand for more, i just can't control myself" Wuxian said with pout and innocent face like a small kid asking for forgiveness and giving excuses for his mistake.

"Xian ge..." Wangji whine with a flushed face.

"Really wangji, your red lips were so tempting, Your sexy, slim waist, your slim legs, perky red ni**les were so beautiful and offering me touch them kiss them suck and bite them" Wuxian said shamelessly with a wicked smile.

"Aaaaaa.... Gege don't be so shameless" wangji whine with a cute pout and red cheeks and cover wuxian's mouth with his soft palm. Because Wuxian's every word was effecting him so badly.

Wuxian kiss and lick his palm slowly. wangji remove his hand immediately.

"Gegeee...  why are you continuously teasing me" wangji said whining with a very cute angry face.

"Hahaha... Okay okay i will not tease you anymore" Wuxian said while laughing and he kiss on wangji's cheek.

"I love you gege" wangji said in low voice and hug Wuxian.

"I love you too wifey" Wuxian said and hug him back.


They break the hug when they hear a knock on the door.

"Emperor may i come in" yufei said from outside.

"Come in" Wuxian said.

Wangji try to get up from his lap but Wuxian hold his waist tightly and pulled the cord which were hanging by the side of the bed's headboard. A certain fell down covering the bed from every side.

"Had to prepare the bathroom for the bath" Riuyi said.

"Hmm..." Wuxian said as a permission.

After preparing the bathroom. Riuyi and yufei inform them and left the chamber leaving the couple alone.

"Let's take bath" Wuxian said and get up from the bed still carrying his wifey in his arm.

He put wangji down when they reach the bathroom. He peek wangji's lips and started to take of his clothes. Wuxian take of wangji's upper rob. His white jade like soft skin has many hickeys and red bite marks. His slim waist has wuxian's fingers mark. Wuxian cares those marks.

"Is it paining to much?" Wuxian asked worriedly.

"No, it's not paining that much" wangji said with smile.

Wuxian remove wangji's all clothes and make him sit in the bathtub comfortably. After striping himself he also join him. They were sitting infront of eachother.

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