Chapter 23.

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San was silent. Meilen was thinking about something with blank face.

"Listen San i have another praposal for you. Marry me then i will allow you to have as much as concubine you want. If you want that boy can also live here." meilen said without any emotion.

"Princess I think you can't get what I am saying. I love him and i will marry only him no one else." San said aggressively and left the chamber.

Meilen was angry. Her face become dark because of anger.

"Guards..." She scream.

Today Yun was very happy. He was chirping and giggling in his own world. He was remembering last night incident and his face heated up due to shyness. He remember San's lips were shoft as cotton and taste like candy so that means yesterday he tasted cotton candy which he likes more that any other sweets.

His thoughts broke because of some noises. The noises were coming from outside of his house.

When he went outside. He found his father was talking with some man who were wearing same clothes and carrying swords in their hands. He look at his mother who was also standing there and she was looking a bit tensed.

He went towards his mother and asked. "Mother, who are they and why are they here."

Before his mother can reply one of the man asked. "Are you haitao's son" and yun nod his head.

'Your name is Xie Yun right." he again asked and yun again nod his head.

"You know who is Tang San?" The man asked and yun was now surprised because he don't know that why they are asking this much questions to him.

"Can i ask you. Why you all are here and asking about San" this time Yun asked.

"Just answer us do you know him" that man asked again.

"Yes i know him" yun replied.

"Princess meilen, our soon to be queen want you to come to the palace and meet with her" that man said and show his royal stamp.

"But why princess wants to meet me" Yun asked.

"We are only guards That's why we don't know anything. We are told to take you to the palace." That guard said and open the door of carriage.

"Yun look at his father for permission and his father said "our king is very kind and his is also very kind towards kingdom's people. You should go." haitao said and cares his son's hair.

Yun bid bye to his parents and sat inside carriage. He don't know why but his heart was feeling uneasy. He remember San's smiling face and patted his heart saying " everything will be fine."

They reach the palace and guard open carriage's door for Yun to come out. Yun look around the palace, was beautifully decorated. A guard lead him towards meeting room.

Yun went inside and sat on seat facing the chamber's door. He waited for few minutes when the door open again. He saw princess is coming with some maid behind her.

He stood up and greeted her but she didn't pay attention at Yun. She was just looking at Yun from his head to toe like she is scanning him.

She went towards Yun and sit infront of him. She was staring at Yun's face and Yun was feeling awkward. All maid's approch to them and one of the maid put a trey of tea which she was holding.she was about to serve but princess stop her.

"I heard that you and san are really good friends" she said starting conversation. He nod his head cluelesly.

"And i also heard that San loves you" she said. Yun can't understand, Why Princess is asking him about San. But he nod his head.

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