Chapter 11.

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"Wa.. wangji don't be angry please listen to me" Wuxian said and started to following him.

Wangji went from there without saying anything. When Wangji come out from garden Riuyi saw his angry face. she was about to follow him but she heard that emperor is calling wangji's name. She stopped in her place and Wuxian pass her while calling wangji's name. After seeing this all she smiled.

"Work is done" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Yufei jie..." She said excitedly and went from there for telling yufei whatever happened.

Wangji was on his way and wuxian was still following him, when they both saw that wei cangse has returned from where she gone. She come to them and asked "what happened."

After seeing his mamma a idea poped "Not..." Before Wuxian could say something more, wangji come near to cangse and hug her. She realised that he is sobbing.

"What happened baby, why are you crying" she asked and hug him back.

"Mamma" wangji said.

"Yes baby" she said and cares his hairs. Other side Wuxian heart was beating so fast.

'Mam..." Before Wuxian could say more cangse cut him "I am asking to wangji."

"Your son.. flirting with other girls mamma and.. and he don't care about me" wangji said and started crying.

She turn towards Wuxian and said "A-xian, you don't understand at once right. Wait I will teach you how to behave."

"Wangji go to your room." She ordered.

Wangji nod and go. Wuxian was also about to go behind him when his mother stopped him.

"What" he questioned.

"Where are you going." She asked come in front of him.

"Going to persuade my wangji." He answered and again try to go.

"Your... By the way, for your kind of information you are not allowed to go to wangji." She said and again stopped him.

"But how can you do this mamma." He argued.

"Just like the way you went to have lunch with another girl." She said and added " guards, if any of you let a-xian in, you all will see my worse face. " And with that she went towards her room.

Wuxian just stomp his feet and went to his room.

The whole day has passed away and it's become night but wuxian didn't come to wangji for asking forgiveness. Wangji had not eaten anything for the whole day after breakfast. Wangji was alone in the chamber and trying to meditate but couldn't because of Wuxian's thoughts. He opened his eyes and stand up. He started to walk in his room and started to mumble something.

"Look, the whole day has passed but he hasn't come yet" he mumble to himself.

"I know that mamma ordered him to not come to my room but that's not mean he will really not come." He complained.

"No ones cares about me except mamma" he said come in front of mirror and started to look at his self.

"It's not like that he doesn't like me" he said. Suddenly a white butterfly came near him and started flying around him.

After flying for sometime, butterfly came and sat on his hand. Wangji look at the butterfly and smile. Then wangji realised that there were many butterflies flying around him and trying to take him somewhere. Wangji also understand that they are trying to make him to follow them. Those butterflies take him to his chamber's door. Wangji open the door but he became silent after seeing the sight. That was not the regular way. There was a magical entrance.

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