Chapter 29. (part - 2)

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Wuxian was looking at wangji intensely. That intense gaze make Wangji blush and he cover wuxian's eyes.

"Don't look at me like that" wangji said.

"You are so beautiful, so why i didn't. after all you are my wife" Wuxian said removing wangji's hand from his eyes and look at wangji.

"Don't be nervous" Wuxian said and kiss on wangji's forehead and wangji nod his head. Wuxian kiss wangji with love and wangji also returned the kiss happily.

Wuxian parted wangji's white legs and come between his legs. He break the kiss and look at wangji whose hairs were scattered in the bed here and there and face was red. Wuxian smile and bend down. He kiss on wangji's white milky thigh softly then bite it making wangji moan.

After sometime kissing and sucking he left his legs and look at wangji and kiss on his forehead then nose then lips. In this whole kissing session wangji can feel wuxian's hard manhood rubbing his a*s. Wuxian kiss Wangji agressively and make a mark on the corner of his lips.

"You know your skin is so soft and your lips are more soft and tempting" Wuxian said in deep voice while caressing wangji's red cherry lips and again kiss him.

After kissing for sometime he broke the kiss and remove his trouser and throw it away making his manhood free. Wangji look at his husband's little brother who was very big and erected proudly and he gulp hard. Wuxian look at wangji's expression and smirked.

"What are you looking at wifey" Wuxian said while smirking.

"This is so big" wangji said and point towards wuxian's d**k. Wuxian chuckled.

"Really, then let's ask your a*s what it says" Wuxian said shamelessly.

"Shameless..." Wangji said with red face.

Wuxian smile and again parted wangji's legs and come between them. He touch wangji's pink entrence by his hands and wangji moan.

"Aaaahhh...." But the next moment his moan turn into scream because Wuxian entered his one finger inside him. He started to thrust him with his finger and started to prepare wangji. After some time Wuxian add one more finger. The whole time wangji was moaning loudly because of pleasure. After sometime preparing him Wuxian take out his fingers. Wangji whine when he feel empty inside him

"Don't be impatient wifey" Wuxian said in husky tone near wangji's ear and lick his earlobe.

"hmm..." Wangji moan and Wuxian smirk.

Wuxian take wangji's one leg and put it on his shoulder. And another on his waist. Wuxian take his big d**k and rub it in the entrence of wangji's as**ole. Then insert inside wangji's small h**e in one go.

"Aaaahhh..." Wangji scream because of sudden pain. Wuxian kiss wangji deeply and said some sweet words to make wangji calm down. He started to move in slow pace and hold his tiny waist tightly.

"Aa.. haa.. gege.. Ngh.." wangji moan loudly because of extreme pleasure. But after hearing wangji's moans Wuxian started thrust agressively.

"Aahh.. gege... Aa.. s.. slow... down.. haa.." wangji said while moan. But instead of being slow Wuxian started to thrust more deeply and slowly wangji also started to enjoy the roughness.

"Ah.. you are so warm.. and tight" Wuxian said while moaning.

"Aaaa.. haa.. Ngh.." wangji moan.

Wuxian started to suck wangji's ni**les again and thrust more deeply.

"Aaa... Ngh.. ahh.." wangji moan and dig his nails in wuxian's shoulder. And the whole room filled with skin clapping sound.

"Are you.. feeling good.." Wuxian asked while thrusting. And wangji just nod his head while moanig.

"Aaahh.." but the next moment shout because Wuxian spank on his soft bum bum.

"Words.. wifey" Wuxian said in demanding tone.

Ah.. yes.. fe.. feels.. ahh.. so.. g. good" wangji said while moanig.

"Good.. wifey you. will get .. reward for that" Wuxian said and started to thrust more deeply.

After some more hard thrusts they both cum. Wangji on his stomach and Wuxian inside him. They both were panting hardly. Wuxian kiss wangji's lips lightly then look at him.

"You are so warm and good" Wuxian said while panting and come out from wangji. He lay beside wangji. Wangji's whole body become sweaty and was aching a bit.

"Is it feels good when I was inside you" Wuxian asked shamelessly.

Wangji blush hard and nod his head.
"What about you" wangji asked in low voice.

"I feel very good and hot" Wuxian said smiling like a fool. After sometime wangji become starlet because Wuxian Hover him.
"And i want to feel more good" wuxian said with a smirk.

In his heart wangji also want to do it again but he can't be pervert infront of wuxian.

"But my body is aching" Wangji said making a pout. Wuxian kiss his cute pout.

"Only one more time" Wuxian said and after some seconds wangji nod his head.

Wuxian kiss him deeply, suck and bite his lips. And again their hot session starts. The whole room filled with moaning, groaning and meat clapping sound. And when wuxian's 'Only One more Time' become 'the whole night' he himself don't know.

They were in their fifth round and after a loud moan they both cum together. Wangji was panting heavily and his whole body was covered with red marks, hickey and sweat. He curl his body like a ball. His back was facing Wuxian.

"Wangji..." Wuxian called out and tap wangji's arm.

"Now i am so tired, so your 'only one more time' is not going to work on me" wangji said in one go.

"But..." Wangji cut Wuxian.

"No, i am so tired, and if you will not listen to me i will tell mamma that you bully me" wangji said threatening Wuxian and turn to face him.

"Oo.. so you will tell everything to mamma" Wuxian said innocently.

"Yes i will..." wangji said and pout.

"And what will you tell mamma that mother in law, your son is so rough in bed and have s** whole night" Wuxian said.

Hearing this all Wangji's face flushed and hit wuxian's chest with his tiny fist. Wuxian chuckled at his cute little adorable wife.

"I will not do anything for now, i promise. Now let's go and clean ourselves" Wuxian said and pick wangji in his arms.

He take him to the bathroom. Bathroom was also decorated with red candles and flowers. He put wangji inside the huge bath tub. When the cold water touch his body he hissed in pain. Wuxian also come inside the tub and make wangji sit on his lap.

Wuxian started to clean wangji's body. Wangji put his head on wuxian's shoulder and wrap his arms around Wuxian's neck. In every touch of wuxian, wangji moan. His moans were making hard for Wuxian to control himself.

But somehow he control himself and clean their body. After cleaning he look at wangji and saw that he was already asleep. He smiled and take him out of the tub. He wipe his body and make him wear clothes. He also wear clothes and change the bed seat. He make wangji lay on the bed and lay beside him. When Wangji sence his husband, he hug Wuxian and hid his face in his chest.

Wuxian smile and hold wangji's waist. "I love you My Love" he said and kiss wangji's forehead and drifted in his dreamland.

Hey guys 🥰🥰
Hope you like it 🥰🥰

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