chapter 8.

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Next morning

Wangji woke up at 5 am and feel light wight on his body. He open his eyes and saw that Wuxian was holding his waist. he try to move but the grip become stronger. He don't want to disturb Wuxian's beautiful sleep so he stop tring to be free. After sometime more staring at Wuxian's handsome face, wangji again fell asleep.

Now it was 8 am when Wangji again open his eyes . First he saw 2 ladies were standing infront of him. He sat up on bed.

"Emperss, you awake" first lady said.

"Sorry but who are you" wangji asked.

"My name is riuyi" frist lady answered with excitement. "and my name is yufei' Emperss" the second lady said very politely.

"And from now we are your personal maids and help you in every thing" riuyi said while smiling.

"Oh" wangji said.

"Where is emperor" wangji asked suddenly.

"Emperss is missing his emperor"riuyi whisper. Yufei stop her and riuyi lightly laughed.

Yufei softly smile and replied "Emperss, He will be in morning court in this time." Wangji nod and get up from bed.

"Emperss, first you have to take bath and then you will go to mother queen for having breakfast." Yufei said.

Wangji nod and go for bath. After doing his daily routine. He was siting in front of a mirror. Yufei was combing his hairs and riuyi was fixing his rob when wen qing enter in room. She asked " Is the empress ready?"

"Yes, miss wen" yufei answered. Wen qing come near to wangji and saw him. She became starlet because wangji was looking like a snow doll. He was wearing a light blue hanfu, a very beautiful headpiece and some hairpins. Wen qing smile and take wangji with her for breakfast.

 Wen qing smile and take wangji with her for breakfast

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In cangse sanren chamber

Cangse was waiting for Wangji when wen qing and Wangji enter in room. They both went to her and bow her.
Wei cangse stand up, come near to wangji and hug him. "Oh my baby you are looking gorgeous" she said and kiss his forehead.

"Thanks mamma" wangji said with cute smile.

"Come sit" wei cangse said and both of them sit down.

"Come wen qing have breakfast with us" cangse approach wen qing.

"It's ok queen mother, I have already had my breakfast" she replied.

"Oh" cangse said. After this all they start to eat. They eat their breakfast while talking with eachother. Wangji really likes cangse's company. Whenever wangji was with cangse sanren he feels a motherly attachment with her. After breakfast wangji and wen qing bid good bye to her and left the chamber.

When they were in thier way they saw wuxian coming from court with wen ning. Suddenly a girl approach wuxian and started to talk with wuxian while smiling. She was trying to being cute in front of him. Wuxian also has a small smile on his face. Seeing this all wangji become a bit upset.

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