Chapter 16.

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At night

It's become more than 8 but wuxian didn't arrived yet and Wangji is waiting for him. He also didn't eat his food.

"When will he arrive" wangji mumbel with a pout.

Wangji was becoming impatient because Wuxian always come to his room around 7. But today it's become very late. Wangji get up and started to walk towards door.

"Empress where are you going" asked yufei who was setting food on table.

"For searching your emperor." wangji replied and left the chamber.

He went to wuxian's chamber in which wuxian used to live before. But there was no sign of Wuxian. Wangji come out from chamber and went towards the library.

When he entered in library he saw wuxian talking with wen ning and reading some papers. It seems like he is doing some very important work.
Wangji cough for their attention.

"Oh wangji..." Wuxian said and stood up.

Wen ning bow to both of them and leave them alone. Wangji went towards Wuxian and sat down in front of his seat. Wuxian also sit down.

"What happened" wuxian asked.

"Why you didn't come to chamber. It's become late" wangji said with a pout.

"Sorry I was busy in some important work" wuxian said with a smile.

"Yes yes these works are more important than me" wangji said while showing a paper to wuxian. That was a old scripture.

Wuxian take that paper from his hand and said " are you angry with me" and cares his cheeks.

Wangji jerk his hand and said " don't touch me."

Wuxian chuckle at wangji's cuteness and went towards him. He bent down.

"Ok sorry, let's go. I'm very hungry and you will be also hungry" wuxian said. But there was no response from wangji.

"C'mon let's go otherwise i will pick you in my arms" said wuxian with a smirk. Hearing wuxian, wangji get up hurriedly and walk towards exit.

Wuxian went towards him and pick him up in bridal style.

"Aaaaa... What.. are you doing" wangji asked.

"Taking you to our room" wuxian said.

"But i can walk" wangji said with red tinted checks.

Wuxian didn't replied anything and take him to thier room. Everyone watching them and started to
gossiping about there cute relationship. But wuxian didn't pay attention to anyone.

Wuxian entered in the chamber and went towards the seat. He put down wangji in a seat and himself sat infront of him. Yufei and riuyi both were watching everything and smiling at them. They both served their food and then left the chamber leaving the love birds alone.

"Are you still angry with me." wuxian asked slowly. Wangji shake his head slowly while blushing.

"Sorry because of me you have to wait this long." wuxian said.

"It's ok..." wangji said and put a spoon full with rise in his mouth. He was chewing it slowly and looking so cute and chubby. Wuxian was watching him and smiling at his cuteness.

After dinner they both went to their shared bed and lay down. Wuxian hug him from back and Wangji was looking at the nearby table in which that incense burner was kept and making the chamber an unknown fragrant. After sometime they both went to their Dreamland.


A market where a lot of noise of people's voice were heard. Many were talking and laughing with their friends. And many were arguing with shop owners. The market was very simple like 200 years back and people's clothes were also looking simple. There was a boy with a middle aged woman roaming around the market. His smile was very sweet.

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