CH:1- Where it all began!

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Morning All! So, here is the first chapter of the story. Have fun reading🤓 and stay safe😷. And, like always, I would request you to, please, leave your feedback.


"How long have you been planning to keep me on the traffic duty," Karishma entered the record room after a very stressful day on the patrol.

"Until you tell me, why did you do that," Haseena replied without taking her eyes off the file.

"You are exploiting your privileges," Karishma tried to provoke Haseena's consciousness.

"I haven't even begun yet, Karishma Singh!" Haseena slammed the file on the table which was right next to her and looked at Karishma as she folded her arms over her chest.

Karishma was speechless for a moment, she didn't know what to say. "Um, it's been three weeks since your arrival, you haven't let me participate in any investigation," She tried to keep her tone firm.

"And, you won't be participating in any investigation," Haseena dropped her hands on either side and took a few steps towards Karishma, "I need to know why have you married me—--when, we have never, even, crossed paths before."

"I can't tell you the reason," Karishma said without looking at Haseena, "But trust me, as soon as the purpose is fulfilled, I'll submit the divorce papers myself to the UK embassy and you will be free."

"Ahh! Free." Haseena scoffed, "this marriage between us," She gestured at Karishma with her finger then at herself, "can never get sanctioned legally, here, in India. You know that, right?" She said while keeping eye contact with Karishma.

"I know," Karishma uttered, without breaking eye contact, "But I will still have the proof that you have married me during your stay in England and this will be enough to turn down any proposal you may get."

"So you are threatening me?" Haseena raised her eyebrows.

"If that's what you want to think, Maddam Sir!" Her voice carried a tinge of sarcasm.

"You will regret every bit of this," Haseena tried to alarm her.

"I have a lot of regrets in my life and I guess this will be one of the Haseen ones," She said while turning away.

Haseena felt a loss of words for a few moments but after clearing her throat, she spoke, "You will continue the traffic duty, until my next order."

"Yes, Maddam Sir!" Karishma saluted and walked out of the room without looking back.


Haseena moved towards her cabin after collecting the files for the case that she was working on. As of now, no one at the station was aware of the case as it was highly confidential. However, she couldn't focus and her mind drifted back to her first day at the station, which in itself, was quite a day.

Pushpa Ji has hired a new maid for the station regardless of their budget shortage and now she was dreading to tell Karishma Singh—-the SI of the station. In addition to that, the arrival of their new SHO was due, and the new station in charge will be arriving any moment now. All the staff members were making arrangements for the welcome of the new SHO, however, Karishma was least interested in any of that. She was too independent for her own good and the previous SHO sought transfer because of the clashes between them.

"Do you think Pushpee, the new SHO, will survive Karishma ma'am's bhukal?" Santosh whispered in Pushpa Ji's ear while standing next to her.

"What should I say, Santo, if you see the track record of this station, two SHOs have been transferred from here. I can't say about the third one. I think she will also transfer because of Karishma ma'am," Pushpa Ji said in a rather disappointing tone. "Moreover, we are not even getting any cases in the station due to those clashes, I think so they will close the station soon," She looked at Santosh with sorrowful eyes.

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