CH:33- Trust & Acceptance

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Karishma was driving them to the station after coming out of Bi's house, "I never thought Bi will take Riya's side," she uttered as she made a turn, "moreover, I can't believe she is the same person who was against their marriage since the very beginning," she glanced at Haseena who was already staring at her, intently.  

"She wasn't against their wedding," Haseena spoke, "she just wants me to be her daughter-in-law," she continued to look at Karishma, "you have no idea how upset she was when I told Ammi that I wanted to marry Ishaan but later on Bi agreed," she adjusted herself on the seat, "and, then when my wedding was called off, she asked me again to marry Zayan," she noticed a slight change in Karishma's expression, "but I never intended to marry him, even he was the last man left in the world," she noticed Karishma's face has relaxed after hearing that, "the thing with Bi is; she loves me a lot, and she has always told me that she doesn't know what type of a partner I'll have but if I get marry to Zayan, she can watch over me," she smiled after remembering Bi's word, "because she is my godmother and that's what they do."

"Godmother?" Karishma looked at Haseena questionably.

"Yes, a godmother," Haseena repeated herself, "a person other than your parents who are responsible for your well-being and your education: worldly, religious, and spiritual."

"In simple terms, a person other than your parents acts as your guide in this world," Karishma said as she made another turn.

"Yup!" Haseena uttered a bit enthusiastically, "why didn't I say that?" She seemed a bit lost.

"Because you make things complicated," Karishma glanced at her while keeping a watchful eye on the road.

"When did I make things complicated?" She asked surprisingly.

"Since, the day I met you," Karishma peeked at her from the corner of her eyes, "I was trying to understand you," she continued to look at the road, "but you are so unpredictable," she paused for a brief second, "I never thought you will just forgive me for what I have done to you, just like that," she uttered nervously dreading what might be Haseena's response.

"I didn't just forgive you Karishma," Haseena leaned on the window, "you earned your forgiveness," her voice carried affection for Karishma, "I have rejected you so many times, taunt you, or even though I have attempted to kill you—doesn't matter it was unintentional but I have been very insensitive to you."

"I deserved that behavior," Karishma stopped the jeep in front of the station, "didn't I?" She asked while placing her hand on the steering wheel.

"A part of it," Haseena saw her taking out the keys from the ignition, "but not everything," she said honestly, "I didn't have any right to punish you. I should have just reached out to the lawyers to figure out a way which I was really intending to after Zayan and Riya's marriage."

"Then, why didn't you?" Karishma asked as she felt a slight increase in her heart rate.

"First, because of the case," Haseena spoke, "and, second, I started liking you," her cheeks started to color up, "I shouldn't be," she looked at Karishma who was staring at her, endearingly, "but I did, however, I never wanted to admit that until we had an encounter with Nyx and I saw so much in your eyes; the fear of losing me, your unwillingness to kill me despite the fact, Nyx could have killed you that night if you disobeyed her orders, moreover, the love," she paused, "the love, it was there, in your eyes, blatantly, without any restrictions and without any fear or regard of anyone," she held Karishma's hand, "and, I felt something moved inside me," she caressed Karishma's hand gently, "so, even though, if you haven't told me the reason behind this marriage, I still would have want you in my life," she leaned forward, "do you know why?" She asked as their faces were just a few inches apart.

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