CH:24- Inching Closer

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"It's not even ten minutes that she has gone and I'm already missing her," Karishma sat on the bed as she reminisced their very first intimate encounter, "now, I can't take shower for an entire week," she hugged herself, "I just want to feel her more around me," she sniffed herself, "Eww! you stink Karishma," she muttered, "Why didn't she say anything?" A knock on the door broke her chain of thoughts and Meena entered Karishma's room.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Meena asked, suppressing her smile after seeing a disappointment on Karishma's face, "she has slept," she place the food tray in front of Karishma, "I took a little longer to bring the food," she started serving Karishma, "you have no idea that how worried she was for you," she pulled the chair and sat opposite to Karishma.

"You can go," Karishma muttered, "you must have other work to do," she took a spoonful of soup.

"I don't want to die," Meena fiddled with her dupatta, "if I left you unattended, Haseena di won't leave me alive," she uttered in a light manner.

A smile appeared on Karishma's face, "Who found me?" Karishma asked as she took another spoonful of the soup.

"It was Haseena di," Meena spoke, "the other day when you shoo me out of your room--- Haseena di asked me about your wearabouts," she glanced at Karishma who was having her soup but she was listening with full concentration, "when I told her you didn't have any dinner, she asked me to bring food for you," Karishma's hand stopped near to her mouth, "and, when I came after half an hour with food, I went to her room," she paused for a brief second, "becuase I was scared to come back into your room," she peeked at Karishma from the corner of her eyes, "so, Haseena di brought the food for you," she got up to give medicine to Karishma, "I have never seen her that worried," she handed the glass of water to Karishma, "she was a totally different person that day," she collected the dishes from in front of Karishma, "she didn't left your side even for a single second," she moved towards the door, "it is the first time in those past two days she has left this room," she smiled at Karishma, "she really likes you, di," she uttered with all her honesty and walked out of the room.

After Meena left, Karishma leaned on the bed and closed her eyes, "even if Meena hasn't said all those things about you," she murmured, "I would have still known," she inhaled a huge sum of air, "I have felt everything in your actions," she placed the pillow in her lap, "but, do you really like me, Haseena?" She kept her eyes closed as if she was actually seeing Haseena, however, the knock on the door broke the flow of her conversation. Karishma opened her eyes and saw Riya entering her room.

"How are you feeling?" Riya moved to hug Karishma but before she could do that, Karishma stopped her.

"I stink," She muttered, hiding the actual reason.

"That's fine," Riya moved again to hug her but Karishma pushed back again, "What is up with you?" She asked, surprised.

"I don't want anyone to come close to me," She said while gesturing for Riya to take a seat.

"Oh, My God!" Riya almost screamed, "don't tell me you have got any infectious disease," she uttered, almost moving away from Karishma.

"Nothing like that, you idiot," Karishma smiled at Riya's antics, "she hugged me," she avoided eye contact.

"Ahhann," Riya grinned, "and, that's the reason you are not letting anyone touch you," her voice was filled with playfulness, "so, finally your Ice Queen has melted."

"Or, probably, she was just returning a favor," She said, still unsure of everything.

"If she was just returning a favor, Karishma," Riya's tone of voice changed, "there are many other ways," she said a bit angrily, "she doesn't have to put herself through discomfort to keep a watch on you."

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