CH:9- She Cares!

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Happy Sunday! I'll be uploading the next chapter on Wednesday. Until then Happy Reading🤓 & Stay Safe😷. 


Karishma was sitting in Riya's room after sangeet, it was close to midnight, and they were discussing what happened during the function. "Maa told me about those women and how Haseena handled them," Riya said, admirably.

"Yes, she stood up against those bullies," Karishma looked into space, "even though having so many differences with me and not knowing much about me."

"I told you, she is a nice person," Riya spoke excitedly as she looked at Karishma through the mirror while removing her makeup.

"Tell me one thing," She looked at Riya, "yesterday, you two were talking about her marriage," she said, "what about her marriage?"

"Ohh!" Riya muttered as she put the facial wipe on her vanity, "she walked out of her marriage," she said, casually.

Karishma was extremely surprised to hear that and before she could ask, 'why', Riya's phone rang, it was Zayan calling, so leaving love birds alone, she moved towards Haseena's room, "why would she walk out of her own marriage?" she was still lost in this conundrum when she entered the room and as soon as she stepped in, Haseena's edgy voice hit her eardrums.

"Can't you knock before coming in?" Haseena looked at Karishma, angrily.

"There she is," Karishma glanced at Haseena from top to bottom who was blow-drying her hair just wrapping a towel around herself, "back to her ice queen avatar," she sighed as she felt her facing heating up, "why didn't you lock the door?" She asked while moving towards her bag.

"I didn't know, people have a habit of coming in without knocking on the door," Haseena said sharply as she sectioned her hair and started drying them.

"I didn't know people have a habit of walking around half-naked in the middle of the night," She replied in the same tone as Haseena's as she took out her sketchbook and pencils, and moved towards the bed.

"Excuse me!" Haseena put the dryer back on the vanity table and walked toward Karishma's side, "What did you just say?" She asked as she stood in front of Karishma with her hands on her hips.

Karishma scanned Haseena as she stood in front of her, she felt blood rushing through her face, once again, "Are you planning to seduce me, wife?" She uttered without making eye contact with Haseena.

"Seducing you?" Haseena scoffed as she dropped her hand and walked back towards her vanity, "And, You started again with that word," she said agitatedly while drying her.

"What word?" Karishma pretended as she continued to glance at Haseena who was still drying her hair.

"Seriously?" She looked at Karishma through the mirror who was busy sketching, something, "why can't you stop using that word?" She asked rather politely this time.

"Because," Karishma stopped and made eye contact with Haseena through the mirror, "I never thought I'll have a wife," She said with a smirk, "and that too an extremely beautiful one," she winked at Haseena, "whenever I see you, I just can't hold myself calling you that."

Haseena's hand stopped, "Are you flirting with me?" She turned to look at Karishma who went back to sketching as if it was normal for them to have this conversation.

"If that's what you can conclude from it," she glanced at Haseena, "then, sure," she shrugged off her shoulder, carelessly.

Haseena's face carried a confused expression, she opened her mouth to say something but then she thought of leaving it for a time being and started drying her hair once again, "what are you sketching?" She asked Karishma as she took another chunk of her hair.

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