CH:6- The Battle Within and Out

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Morning All! I'll be updating the next chapter on Friday. Until then Happy Reading🤓 & Stay safe😷. 


Haseena and Karishma both arrived home close to midnight. As soon as the bike stopped Haseena got off and started limping toward the house, gradually. Karishma just shook her head in disappointment, "such an ungrateful person, she is," she mumbled.

As soon as Haseena entered Picasso lept towards her, "Aww...look at you, miss me..didn't you?" She bent to hold him in her lap.

Picasso snuggled closed to Haseena as he licked her face, vigorously. 

Haseena put him down after some time as she pointed towards his corner which has his bed and without making any fuss, he just walked towards his corner and sat on his bed, leisurely. After having her little chat with Picasso, Haseena was about to climb the stairs when Meena's (House Help) voice stopped her.

"Di, aap kuch lain gi?" She asked while standing at a distance.

"You are still up?" Haseena asked surprisingly.

"Ammi asked me to wait for you and Karishma madam," She said politely, "she wanted me to make sure Karishma madam has some dinner before she goes to bed."

"Hmm..." Haseena muttered, "Aur Riya?" She asked, "did she come?"

"Ji woh aa gayi hai aur unhon ne Ammi ke sath hi dinner kiya tha," She replied.

"Okay!" She put her foot forward, "Ek glass garam doodh without sugar," she said as she started climbing the stairs while holding the railing.

"Aur Karishma madam?" Meena asked.

Before Haseena could answer, Karishma spoke, "Mujhe kuch nahi chahiye," as she stood behind Haseena and made eye contact with Picasso who was staring at Karishma but he didn't move from his spot as if he was observing her every move, carefully.

Meena shook her head in an understanding manner and moved toward the kitchen. On the other hand, Haseena started climbing the stairs, however, Karishma followed her keeping a distance of a step or two.

"Are you going to follow me everywhere, now?" Haseena halted in her steps and turned towards Karishma who was about to bump into her due to this sudden stop.

"I'm not following you," Karishma looked at her, "you are walking right in front of me," she said with a smirk on her face.

Haseena stares at her surprisingly, "Are you serious?" She almost screamed, "you don't see a place there," she pointed towards the emptied side of the staircase.

"There," Karishma moved towards the other side, "happy now?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Better!" Haseena started taking the steps again but with each step she was taking, she noticed that Karishma was watching her closely and was taking much slower steps intentionally to keep an eye on her, "Is she really sorry for what she has done?" She peeked at Karishma from the corner of her eyes, her face softened up after finding the genuine concern on Karishma's face.

On the other side, Karishma noticed Haseena glancing at her, however, she pretended as if she hadn't seen her and continued to climb the steps keeping a safe distance between them.

Once they reached close to Haseena's room, she opened the door and turned on the light, "you can sleep there," Haseena pointed towards the couch that was right opposite her bed.

"I can't sleep on the couch," Karishma uttered as she sat on the right side of the bed as if she is been living there for years.

"And, Why is that?" Haseena asked agitatedly this time while keeping her hands on her hips.

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