CH:37- SHE is the ONE!

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Morning All! I'll be updating the next chapter on"THURSDAY." Also, just want to let all of you know, that the next three chapters will be the last three chapters of the story. Until, then, Happy Reading🤓 & Stay Safe😷. 


"So, this was the reason you were so distracted since you came back from London?" Zayan's voice carried slight displeasure, "she was the reason, all along," he pointed towards Karishma who was sitting beside Haseena as anger built inside him.

"Don't talk to her like that," Haseen uttered as she saw Zayan glaring at Karishma.

"Didn't I ask you," he clasped his hands in order to control his anger, "if you know the reason for Haseena's behavior," he continued to look at Karishma, in the same manner, disregarding Haseena's warning.

Karishma felt a bit dazed as she tried to get control over her nerves after hearing Zayan. 

"Zayan!" Haseena leaned forward, shielding Karishma from his fury, "you can't talk to her like that," she said sternly, this time.

"How about I don't talk at all?" Zayan got up, angrily, and moved towards the lawn.

Both Riya and Bi saw that played out but none of them interfered. 

Haseena turned her head to look at Zayan who was sitting on the swing with a sullen face, "I'll go check on him," she was about to get up when Bi's voice stopped her.

"Why didn't you tell me about the marriage?" Bi asked calmly as she looked at both Haseena and Karishma.

"I have the same question," Riya chimed in as she glanced at her best friend who was a nervous wreck, she was about to get up to calm her down but before she can do that, she saw Haseena intertwining her hand with Karishma—and, as soon as Haseena did that Karishma's body eased up. A content smile appeared on Riya's lips, "I feel jealous that you don't need me anymore but I'm happy for you, Karishma," she thought as her eyes brightened up after seeing her best friend contented.

"We don't know how to tell you, Bi," Haseena avoided eye contact with Bi.

Bi stared at Haseena's face for a few seconds, "It's not the complete truth you are telling me," she uttered as she glanced at both of their faces, "and, that's fine. I'm not asking for a complete account for whatever transpired between you two," she leaned forward, "I'm just a bit disappointed that you didn't trust me enough to tell me that you are already married to Karishma."

"I'm sorry Bi," Haseena held her ears as tears started to brim in her eyes.

"Hasseeena!" Bi sighed, "you can't do this bacche," she got up and sat right next to her, "you do know I can't see you cry," she placed Haseena's head on her shoulder as she patted her gently while gesturing Karishma to hold her (Bi's) hand.

"Ammi is upset," Haseena's voice became heavy, "if you won't understand me then whom would I go to," she made her grip tighter on Bi.

"You know, I would never leave you regardless of how upset or disappointed I'm at you," Bi uttered as she felt Haseena nodding her head, "and, I'm happy for you," she placed her hand over Haseena's head to give her the blessing, "and, for you too," she pulled Karishma in a hug as she placed her hand over her head too.

Karishma rested her head on Haseena's back as Bi wrapped her hand around Karishma, this was the first time in the whole evening, that she felt there is hope for them and someone is there to stand by, she heaved a sigh of relief as she moved a little closer to Haseena and made her grip stronger around Bi.

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