CH:31- The Heart of Lovers

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It was close to midnight when Karishma opened her eyes, she tilted her head a little to see someone around----and, there she was, sitting on the chair, resting, with her eyes closed. Karishma averted her gaze from Haseena and was about to get out of the bed to get some water when Haseena forwards the glass of water. Karishma's movement stopped, she took the glass from Haseena without looking at her.

"How many times are you going to lose your consciousness on me?" Haseena uttered as she stood beside Karishma waiting for her to empty the glass of water, so she can put it back. 

"Why are you still here?" Karishma asked, instead of answering her as she peeked at Haseena who was still in her wedding dress.

"Answer me first," Haseena spoke with a bit of agitation in her voice as she stood opposite Karishma who was avoiding eye contact with her.

"You should leave," Karishma avoided looking into her eyes, "your husband must be waiting," she said while attempting to control the shakiness of her voice.

"Hmm...," Haseena folded her hand over her chest, "you are really worried about my husband, aren't you?" Haseena asked sharply.

After hearing, "my husband," Karishma felt lumps forming in her throat, a ray of hope that arose in her after seeing Haseena in her room just died down.

"How are you feeling?" Haseena asked, after not getting any response from Karishma.

"I'm much better," Karishma responded, still not looking at Haseena, however, her heart desired Haseena's one last glance.

"Hmm...," Haseena turned to place the glass of water back on the table and as soon as she did, Karishma's gaze lingered on Haseena's shoulder which had a blotch of dried blood on it and it has ruined her wedding dress.

"You are the most beautiful bride, I have seen," Karishma spoke as her eyes refused to leave the red stain on Haseena's shoulder; she felt an urge to run over to Haseena, and, somehow, find a way to tend to her wound but before any one of them can say or do anything, Meena entered the room.

"Di, Ammi is calling you downstairs," Meena announced as she looked at Karishma who woke up after three hours and looked much better. 

"Hmm...," Haseena muttered as she moved towards the door, "stay here until I come back," she whispered in Meena's ear before stepping out of the room.

"Ji, Di," Meena moved towards the chair where Haseena was sitting a while ago.

Karishma noticed Haseena murmuring something in Meena's ear but she didn't ask Meena, "I'm fine," Karishma uttered as she saw Meena settling down on the chair opposite to her, "there must be a lot of work for you due to the wedding," she leaned her back against the bed as she wanted some moments alone.

"What wedding are you talking about, Di?" Meena asked, surprisingly.

"Maddam Sir's wedding," Karishma looked at Meena as if doubting her sanity, "isn't it, her wedding today?" She spoke the last sentence with great difficulty.

"Thi naa," Meena leaned forward as she was about to tell the best-kept secret of the century, "but, di refused," her voice was low and her eyes were wide open.

"She refused it," Karishma's heart fluttered, "Why?" She felt rejuvenated, again.

"I don't know," Meena shrugged off her shoulder, "she disappeared from the wedding for some half an hour or so," she looked at Karishma, "but when she reappeared, her clothes were dusty, her makeup was messed up, and her eyes were red," she started at the floor, "and, do you know what she said," she waited for Karishma's response, "that, I'm not ready for the wedding," she leaned back on the chair, "who does that?" She fiddled with her dupatta, "it took Ammi three to four to convince everyone as she apologized on Di's behalf."

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