CH:13- I got your back, Ice Queen!

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Haseena glared at Zayan as she sat next to Bi while holding her photo in her hand, "I need to talk to you Bi," She whispered in Salma Bi's ear.

"What is it?" Salma Bi asked as she glanced at Haseena and then at Karishma, who was sitting opposite them next to Riya.

"Can you take Ammi out of Lucknow for a few days?" She requested as she moved closer to Salma Bi.

Salma Bi was not expecting this from Haseena, "Why?" She looked at Haseena attentively, "What happened?" She asked, a bit perplexed.

"Nothing," She held Salma Bi's hand, "I'll tell you everything later in detail," she pressed her hand gently, "I promise," she made eye contact with her, "can you please do what I'm saying for the time being?" She almost pleaded.

"Hmmm...," Salma Bi didn't say anything, she just scanned Haseena's face, "Zayan and Riya are leaving for their honeymoon within two hours," she informed Haseena.

"Yes, Zayan told me," Haseena peeked from the corner of her eyes and found Karishma trying to lip-read hers and Bi's conversation, "as soon as they leave you will leave too, I have got your tickets for the yoga retreat in Goa."

"Are you in any trouble?" Bi asked once again, concerningly.

"There is no trouble Bi, I'm just working on something and if I tell Ammi about it, she will panic," Haseena tried to put forward her point.

"Are you sure about this, Haseena?" Salma Bi repeated herself, still not satisfied with Haseena's explanation.

"Trust me Bi!" Haseena held her hand between her hands, "everything is fine," she said reassuringly, "it's just a matter of one to two weeks."

At this point, Bi didn't think of arguing further with Haseena, "let me talk to Noor," she got up, "how about her luggage?" She asked before moving towards Noor Jahan Begum.

"I have packed everything," Haseena smiled broadly, "if you need help, I can help you out too," She said with a wink.

"You knew I'll agree to this, didn't you?" Salma Bi tapped on Haseena's head gently, "Badmash!" She muttered as she moved towards Noor Jahan.

On the other hand, Karishma watched the whole scene, "what is going on with her?" She thought, "she is definitely up to something." She has seen Haseena since yesterday acting all weird and even though this morning, up until they came for the dinner, she has closed herself in the study and God knows what was she doing in there, "has she gotten any leads on the case which I am unaware off?" She glanced at Haseena who was talking to Riya but she seemed a bit lost. Karishma thought of clearing her doubts with Haseena but before she could do that Bi stood up in the center of the living room to make an announcement.

"So, as you all know Zayan and Riya will be going on their honeymoon and they will be leaving tonight," Bi looked around the room, "and they are not the only ones who will be leaving be for the trip," she paused for a second, "me and Noor will be leaving for the girls trip too which we have planned from quite some time," She said while making eye contact with Haseena which didn't go unnoticed by Karishma as she saw Haseena mouthing 'thank you' to Bi.

Zayan and Riya were surprised at Bi's announcement, however, they didn't say anything. On the other hand, after giving her best wishes to both the newlyweds and the friend's duo for their upcoming trip, Pushpa Ji left as she has to go to the station tomorrow.


Both the houses have become so quiet after most of their residents have flown away to their different destinations, it was just that Haseena, Karishma, Picasso, and Meena were at the house. As there was no one at Bi's house, they locked the house and Haseena had the keys.

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