CH:11- She is dangerous!

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Morning All! I'll be posting the next chapter on Sunday. Until then Happy Reading🤓 and Stay Safe😷.  


The next morning Ammi was sitting at the breakfast table with Riya and Pushpa Ji when Haseena arrived, and after five minutes or so Karishma came and sat opposite Haseena. Everyone was having their breakfast quietly when Ammi spoke, "How are you feeling?" She looked at Haseena then at Karishma. 

"Good," Both of them replied in unison as they had brief eye contact.

"Karishma did you check on the list of arrangements that I gave you?" Pushpa Ji asked as she sipped her tea.

"Ji, Pushpa Ji," Karishma uttered as she spread butter on her bread.

"I have asked Zayan to check on with decorators and inquire about their lousy job," Riya chimed in, "but they are saying, they are not at fault."

Unexpectedly, Haseena and Karishma looked at each other, once again. They knew it was not the decorators, it was someone else but none of them spoke.

"But the good thing is both of them are safe and nothing happened to either one of them," Noor Jahan said, gratefully.

"Bilkul," Puhspa ji and Riya spoke in unison.

Haseena cleared her throat to gain everyone's attention, "I'll be going to the station for some time," she looked at Ammi, "and then, I'll be going to the mall to pick up my dress which I have to wear tonight."

Before Ammi could say anything, Karishma spoke, "I'm coming with you."

Everyone turned their heads at a time toward Karishma without saying anything.

"I'm not taking you," Haseena replied as she ate her apple.

Now, everyone turns their head towards Haseena.

"I'm not asking you," Karishma put her slice of bread on the plate as she made eye contact with Haseena.

All three ladies looked at Karishma surprisingly.

"And who are you?" Haseena asked gruffly as she got up and started moving towards the door.

Karishma pressed her lips upon Haseena's question, "this damn woman," she mumbled as she wiped off her mouth with a napkin and literally threw it on the table as she walked out from there.

"Yeh kya tha?" Noor Jahan asked shockingly. 

"Yeh Karishma Ji ne hi kuch kaha ho ga," Pushpa Ji intervened, "Unki banti nahi hai kisi se bhi SHO se."

"Aap Haseena ko itna shareef mat samjiye," Noor Jahan spoke in favor of Karishma. 

However, Riya remained silent as her mind drifted back to the happenings of the past few days and the changes that she has been observing in Karishma but didn't get the time to ask her due to marriage festivities, "I should talk to her about the first thing tomorrow," she thought as she watched Pushpa Ji and Ammi taking sides of Haseena and Karishma, respectively.


On the other hand, Karishma followed Haseena, however, she missed Haseena by a few minutes, "what has gotten in her since last night?" She asked herself as she started her bike, "she has been avoiding me since then."

Haseena saw Karishma following her through the rearview mirror, "Why can't she just leave me alone?" She sighed frustratingly, "How can I make her understand the more she will be around me the more her life will be in danger?" She muttered as she halted in front of MPT.

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