CH:36- Holding onto Each Other!

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Karishma opened her eyes first and saw Haseena lying beside her----her bare shoulders peeking out of the sheets. Without keeping regard for anything, Karishma started tracing the highs and lows of Haseena's facial curves as her finger was about to reach Haseena's lips and trace the outline of her lips, she was startled by the gentle tug on her finger.

Haseena stared at Karishma while confiscating her finger between her teeth as she danced her eyebrows in a questionable manner, asking her what does she want?

"Nothing," Karishma shook her head nervously and tried to pull out her finger from between Haseena's teeth but Haseena didn't let go of her finger.

"What were you doing?" Haseena asked while releasing Karishma's finger and intertwining Karishma's finger with hers. 

"Feeling you," Karishma placed their intertwined fingers between them, "do you have any idea, how mesmerizing you were looking," she continued to gaze at her, intently, "moreover, you were snoring," she answered with a slight smirk, "which was making you look more adorable."

"I don't snore," Haseena denied her claim and was about to get up.

"You very much so, wife," Karishma pulled their intertwined fingers and as a result, Haseena ended up landing on Karishma.

Haseena felt a sudden surge of desire pass through her entire being as she felt Karishma's warm breath trickle on her face.

"Oh! You the bold one," Karishma tucked Haseena's hair behind her ear as she placed her other hand on Haseena's back, "I never knew you get embarrassed on these tiny little things," she glided her hand beneath Haseena's hair as her other hand traveled slightly upward, "you really are an exquisite work of art," her voice was deep yet tempting.

Haseena balanced herself on her hands as she continued to hover over Karishma, she felt an increase in her heart rate as she held eye contact with Karishma whose eyes were holding a searing look, "You will burn me, Karishma," she muttered as their eyes refused to leave each other.

"Didn't I tell you, don't play with fire," Karishma aligned Haseena's face in a way that their lips were inches apart, "it consumes everything it touches," she uttered and without waiting for Haseena's response, she locked their lips in a heated, rapacious, and fierce kiss.

Haseena gasped for air as she pulled out from the kiss and placed her forehead against Karishma's as both of them breathed heavily to catch some air, "If you will consume me, wife," she responded after a few seconds without breaking eye contact with Karishma, "then, I'll drown you in me just like a deep calm ocean," she placed a kiss on Karishma's forehead, "until, we merge into one—-and, neither you remain you or I remain I," she was about to get up when Karishma held her hand, once again and made her sit on the bed as she sat behind her and placed her chin on Haseena's shoulder.

"You have ignited me," Karishma wrapped her hand around Haseena's waist, "and, I have dived into you," she nuzzled Haseena's neck, "neither you have remained you nor I remained I," she slightly tilt Haseena's face, "we merged into one," she pecked Haseena's lips and before any one of them can say anything, there was a knock on the door.

"Di come and have breakfast," Meena yelled from the other side, "and, if Karishma di is with you," she lowered her voice, "bring her too," she didn't stay there after saying that and left to prepare the breakfast.

Haseena turned towards Karishma with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "she is really keeping a close watch on us," she said while getting up from the bed.

"We really need to put the, DO NOT DISTURB SIGN outside," Karishma uttered irritatingly, "otherwise, this Meena, she will be a spoil spot always," she sighed as she saw Haseena wrapping the sheets around herself and was getting ready to move towards the bathroom, "let me come with you," she almost leaped towards Haseena.

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