CH:10- I almost lost you today!

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"What do you want?" Haseena asked in an agitated tone when she saw Karishma going around the room, for the umpteenth time.

Karishma stopped her movements, "Umm....," she cleared her throat, "I can't find my earring," she said as she sat on the bed.

Haseena looked at her through the mirror, "I see you have both earrings in your ears," she said as she started wearing bangles, "What do you actually want?" She ran her fingers on her bangles, "Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Umm," Karishma thought for a moment then she glanced at Haseena, "I thought we could go together," she said, hesitantly.

Haseena's hand which was holding lipstick stopped in the mid-air as she turned her head towards Karishma, "You were waiting for me?" She asked, surprised.

Karishma just nodded her head and folded her hand behind her back to overcome her nervousness.

"Why?" She asked in a slightly strict manner.

"It's nothing," Karishma gulped at the change of Haseena's tone of voice, "I'll go," she moved towards the door, "It was just stupid of me."

"Indeed, it was," Haseena capped the lipstick as she looked at Karishma's sullen face, "you have waited for so long," she started wearing her earrings, "Can you wait for another five minutes?" Her voice was devoid of any emotions yet polite. On the contrary, her eyes were scanning Karishma's face which had turned crimson upon her request.

Karishma didn't say anything, however, she silently moved towards the couch, "You are looking beautiful," The words escaped from her mouth unexpectedly as she saw Haseen wearing her heels.

Haseena's movements stopped as she turned her head towards Karishma, "Are you okay?" She glanced at Karishma as if she was having doubts about Karishma's sanity.

"I didn't mean in any other way," Karishma replied apprehensively as she tried to clear her stance, "but you are looking mesmerizing," she peeked at Haseena who was clad in an ice blue lehenga, "and, it perfectly goes with your Ice Queen image," a glint of mischievousness appears in her eyes as she utters those words to overcome her apprehensiveness.

Haseena scoffed, "you gotta be kidding with me," She got up from the bed and started moving towards the door, "Chalain," She gestured with her hand as she opened the door but before they can step out, she turn towards Karishma, "It's a very tough task to be Ice Queen," her lips curved into a brief smile, "so she has to do everything or anything to maintain her image."

 Karishma's eyes widened with surprise as a very content smile appeared on her lips, "Did the Ice Queen just call herself Ice Queen? She muttered as she walked beside Haseena, gleefully.


They entered the venue one after the other, Karishma's eyes were wandering around the hall which was gleaming with fluorescent lights and flowers, she inhaled deeply as she embraced the warmth of wedding festivities, "I love this feeling," she thought, "It is so prepossessing."

Haseena glanced at Karishma's face, it was the first time in the past few days that she had seen her so calm and so radiant, her lips curved into a wide grin as she spoke, "You, yourself are looking very enticing, Karishma Singh!" She whispered in Karishma's ear and without waiting for Karishma's reaction, she quickly moved towards the crowd and blended in with it.

Karishma's trance broke upon Haseena's voice, she gasped, "did she really say those words?" She looked at herself top to bottom in a sage green lehenga, "did she really find me enticing?" She asked as she scanned herself in the mirror while swirling around.

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