CH:40- Things Have Come Full Circle

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Morning All! This is the "LAST CHAPTER," of the story. Happy Reading🤓 & Stay Safe😷. 


Haseena entered the terrace after changing into her PJs where Meena was assisting Karishma; setting up the table, and, Picasso was jumping around here and there as he was observing panic-stricken Karishma who was yelling at Meena every now and then.

"Kya di?" Meena stopped whatever she was doing and stood opposite Karishma whose back was facing Haseena, "you have rearranged that fifty times," she pointed towards the table, "and, there," she gestured towards Haseena, "Haseena di is here too."

"What are you saying?" Karishma turned as her eyes met with Haseena's, who was leaning against the wall with a broad grin on her face.

"Let's go, Picasso," Meena bent to pick up Picasso, "I'll make sure no one disturbs you," she winked at Karishma and without making eye contact with Haseena—-she closed the terrace door and descended the stairs.

"What's all that?" Haseena came forward as she pointed towards the canopy where Karishma had settled the table and on the other corner of the terrace where Haseena usually lies, she had placed a mattress with only one pillow.

"It's a date, Wife," She came forward and held Haseena's hand, "we never get to go on date," she held Haseena's hand and directed her towards the canopy which was lit with yellow lights.

"Who comes on their date in PJs?" Haseena uttered slightly embarrassed as she looked around with praiseworthy eyes, "you have put so much effort into everything," she sulked, "you should have at least texted me," she complained while looking at Karishma who was listening to her rant with the utmost attention.

"You are worrying extra much, wife," Karishma uncovered the food plates, "ask them," she pointed towards her eyes, "who find you breathtaking even in your PJs," she placed the fork on both of their plates.

Haseena blushed upon hearing her words, "my life would be so different without you," she took a forkful of pasta, "you have filled it with so many colors," she glanced at Karishma who was stealing glances at her, "the colors, I didn't know existed."

"Colors, Haan?" Karishma asked while sipping on her wine.

"Hmm...," Haseena nodded, "Colors," she wiped off her face, "the color of yearning," she picked up her glass, "the color of concern," she took a sip from her glass, "the color of being loved," she placed her glass back, "the color of being in love," she held Karishma's hand, "the color of being desired," she intertwine their hands together, "the color to desire," she got up from her chair and Karishma just followed her, "the color to be held," she placed Karishma's hand on her waist, "and, the color to embrace," she wrapped her arms around Karishma's neck as both of them started moving in a rhythmic motion.

"And, the color that has filled me," Karishma caressed Haseena's cheeks; Haseena shivered under her touch, "is the color of YOU," she whispered while leaning towards Haseena's lips, "the color of you has introduced me to all others colors," she traced the outline of Haseena's lips with her index finger, "and, right now, the color that spreads on your face upon my touch makes me want you too," she slid her hand beneath Haseena's hair as she made her grip stronger on Haseena's waist, she pulled her closer, "makes me want you too," she uttered breathlessly while glancing at Haseean who has her eyes closed, "makes me want you too," and without completing her sentence, she interlocked her lips with Haseena's who was melting under Karishma's effect.

Haseena pulled out of the kiss as they needed some air to breathe, however, as they consumed air from the atmosphere, Haseena placed her head against Karishma's forehead as both of them continued to swirl, "the effect of you on me boggles my mind," she pecked Karishma's lips as she wrapped her arms around her neck, once again.

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