CH:29- The Heart Want What It Wants

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"What does she want?" Haseena entered her room and banged the door shut, "How come I have become a fool by the same person, twice?" She removed her sling angrily which in return caused her immense pain, "was there really, nothing in between us?" Tears started to trickle down her cheeks, "she never felt anything?" She looked for a tranquilizer to ease her pain which was becoming unbearable for her with each passing moment, "it was really her guilt, only?" She opened and close her draws shut, in agitation after not finding any sleep medication, "it means, I was delirious all this time," she opened the door and came out of her room, "it's good that she made me snap out of my la la land," she hovered over the railing, "Meena! Meena!" She yelled at top of her lungs.

"Ji...Ji," Meena came out from the kitchen and angled her head to look at Haseena.

"Can you get me some painkillers/sleep medications from Ammi?" She said as she continued to hover over the railing.

"Abhi layi...di," Meena responded quickly after looking at Haseena's distorted expression.

Haseena was about to step inside her room when she saw Karishma coming down from the terrace, from the corner of her eye, however, ignoring her, she was about to move inside her room but Karishma's voice stopped her.

"Your wound is bleeding," Karishma came forward, "let me clean it," she stood opposite Haseena.

"Are you bipolar or something?" Her anger spiked again upon Karishma's request, "you do understand that, I don't want to see your face?" She said while shutting the door but Karishma prevented her from closing it by placing her hand.

"But, you are bleeding," Karishma continued to stand between the doors as she made futile efforts to convince Haseena.

Haseena glanced at her face, for a brief moment, and after noticing Karishma's swollen eyes; she felt someone has clenched her heart. However, as soon as she recalled Karisham's words, all the empathy that she was feeling a second ago was gone, and her heart was hardened, once again, by the anger, "the wounds on my body will heal, Karishma Singh," she pushed her a little to remove her from a doorway, "but, the wounds you have given me, will take a lifetime to recover," she uttered as her eyes were burning with rage.

"But!" Karishma made an attempt to speak but Haseena closed the door without giving her much chance to interfere.


The next morning everyone was sitting at the breakfast table, Karishma was sitting next to Riya opposite Haseena and Bi. Zayan was sitting next to Riya and Ammi as usual was sitting at the head of the family's chair.

"I have to make two announcements," Haseena cleared her throat in order to gain everyone's attention.

Ammi placed the newspaper down, Zayan, Bi, and Riya's hands stopped and they all looked at Haseena. However, Karishma didn't dare to look into Haseena's eyes, and as for the food---she didn't have any appetite after the happenings of the last night.

"What is it, Haseena?" Ammi asked, surprisingly.

"I'm ready to get married," Haseena looked at her mother, "but," she glanced at Karishma, "it has to be done within the next seven days," she diverted her attention back to her mother, "otherwise, forget about my marriage," her voice was calm but that calmness was so unsettling, that it worried both Riya and Bi.

"What has got into you, ladki?" Bi participated in the conversation, "I thought you were interested in someone," she said while glancing at Karisham who had her head hung low.

"I was never interested in anyone, Bi," Haseena pressed Bi's hand gently, "I'll marry anyone whom you will choose, Ammi," She continued with the same eerie calmness that was engulfing Karishma within it.

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