CH:4- I didn't intend to harm you

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Morning All! I'll be uploading the next chapter on Sunday. Until then, Happy Reading🤓 & Stay Stafe😷.


Karishma was staring at her hand which was still in Haseena's hold; Haseena let go of Karishma's hand once they reached in front of Haseena's room.

"You can come in," Haseena muttered as she pushed open the door.

Karishma nodded and entered the room right after Haseena. As soon as she entered the room, she felt something hit her nerves differently, a feeling that she has never felt before—--a feeling of warmth and belongingness. She felt like staying there a little longer—-longer than usual, just to let that feeling sink in. Then she diverted her attention towards Haseena who was taking clothes out for her and to lighten the mood, she initiated the conversation, "I didn't know someone can rebuke you and you will listen to them."

Haseena popped her head out of the closet and looked at Karishma, "because you don't know me, yet." She forwarded a pair of sweatpants and a shirt to Karishma, "And I took all the rebuking because I did wrong."

Karishma stared at Haseena's face this time a little longer but didn't say anything, "there is something different about this woman but what?" A thought crossed her mind, "she accepted her mistake, just like that."

"You can go and change there," Haseena pointed towards the restroom.

"Hmm..." Karishma shook her head and started moving towards the restroom when Haseena's voice stopped her.

"I didn't intend to harm you," Haseena uttered while moving towards her vanity table as her back faced Karishma's back.

"I know," Karishma paused for a brief moment, "Who can understand this better than me," she turned towards Haseena and stared at her back, "sometimes we end up hurting people without having any ill intentions towards them," she tried to smile, "It's quite a burden on one's soul," she said in a much calmer tone, and after saying that she waited for Haseena's response for few moments but after getting none, she entered the restroom.

"Was I thinking wrong of her all this time," Haseena sat on her bed as she waited for Karishma, "but, why would she do such a thing then, why?" She sighed deeply, "She is the last person I want to think about at this moment but she is the only person I can think of," She ran her fingers through her hair frustratingly, "What a mess, my life is right now," She got up from the bed and started pacing in the room in order to distract her mind from Karishma's thoughts and trying to remember the exact wording of the bizarre message, she found in that building earlier today, "Steer clear from my path SHO. I have nothing against you but if you meddle in my way then you won't have anyway. -N." She closed her eyes as she continued to pace in the room to recall any other details, "Yes!" She opened her eyes, "the wall was painted black and the message was written with white paint," she mumbled, "but what could it indicate any characteristics or traits of this 'N' person?"

At that very exact moment Karishma came out of the bathroom and looked at Haseena who was lost in her thoughts, "She does live in her head," She said under her breath and then cleared her throat to gain Haseena's attention, "I'm done."

"Hmm..." Haseena came out of her trance and as soon as she looked at Karishma, a chuckle escaped from her mouth, "let's go," she opened the door and stepped outside.

"What is so funny?" Karishma tried to match up to her pace.

"Nothing," Haseena muttered while descending the stairs.

"Have I grown a mustache or something?" She asked in an agitated tone after not getting any response from Haseena.

Haseena stopped in her steps and turned towards Karishma who was right behind her, "my clothes," she held the sleeve of the sweatshirt that Karishma was wearing, "they are a bit lose on you," and without completing her sentence, she started going down the steps, once again.

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