CH:8- Leaning on YOU

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It was the day of Sangeet and Haldi, there was a lot of commotion in both houses. Meena and Radha were guiding all the guests towards Zayan's house, however, Pushpa Ji was at Haseena's house because Riya was getting ready there. Consequently, after some time, Riya entered the venue which was Zayan's house with Karishma and Pushpa Ji. Hence, Bi welcomed her guests with open arms and directed them toward their spots. As soon as everyone was settled down, Karishma's eye moved around the room to find that one familiar face in between those unknown faces, and finally, she found her, squatting in front of Ammi. From the distance, it seems like they are having some argument, "Why they are never on the same page?" Karishma mumbled as she sat right next to Riya.

On the other hand, Haseena moved toward the cold drinks stand to cool herself down, "Why she never listens to me?" She uttered as she picked up the glass and looked around where she found Karishma already staring at her, "And, I don't understand what is up with her?" She tried to fake a smile but she couldn't and as a result, she turned her back on Karishma.

"What is bothering her, now?" Karishma thought of asking Haseena but then she just dropped the idea, "What if we end up having an argument?" She sighed, "I don't want to ruin Riya's big day," she sat back.

"We are not getting any leads on them," Haseena thought as she leaned on the pillar in a faraway corner from everyone, "I'm feeling so stupid right now, it's like we are chasing a shadow," she sighed frustratingly, "what if that person is present in this room?" This thought disturbed her so much that she got alerted and started looking around the room frantically but didn't find anyone suspicious, "there were no alphabets on the last note," she tried to recall, "what is he trying to say?" She mumbled as her eyes landed on Karishma once again, who was already keeping an eye on her, "she has become so hypersensitive after that lipstick incident."

"Why does she seem so disturbed?" Karishma thought, "Isn't this her best friend's wedding, shouldn't she be enjoying that?"

Haseena averted her gaze from Karishma, "it seems like the universe has hired an unpaid bodyguard for me," she muttered as she remember, Karishma watching out for her while keeping a safe distance every second that she is around Haseena. "I can't even get angry at her anymore," she sighed deeply, "her continues worries, her guilt which is so apparent in her eyes that I can't think of anything else except forgiving her," she started walking towards Zayan, "at this point, I don't even want to know the reason of this marriage," she exhaled, exhaustingly.

Karishma saw Haseena moving towards Zayan, she glanced at Riya, who was enjoying all the hustle-bustle around her.

"You told me Haseena is not very beautiful," Riya whispered in Karishma's ear as she saw Karishma staring at Haseena for quite some time.

"When did I tell you that?" Karishma looked at her surprisingly.

"Don't you remember," Riya's face carried utter disbelief, "during your stay in London?" She raised her eyebrows, "Remember?" She made another attempt to refresh Karishma's memory, "when I told you Haseena is there too and she is doing the same course as you."

Karishma nodded her head as the memory of their conversation started to bloom in her mind.

"Do you remember what you told me?" She looked at Karishma, anticipatingly.

Karishma shook her head in negation as the details of their conversation were still blurry in her mind.

"You told me, Haseena is the type of girl, who doesn't even worth a second glance and I shouldn't be worried about her," Riya quoted Karishma's words from her memory.

"Did I say that?" Karishma was surprised at her own words as she looked at Haseena, who seems to be talking to some guy.

"But, it seems like your opinion has changed about her," Riya elbowed her, as she followed Karishma's gaze which was still lingering on Haseena who was wearing a tangerine saree, "Isn't she looking beautiful?" she asked with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

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