Chapter 4: Memories Of The Past

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(Lily's Pov)

After yesterday, I didn't go home around 10pm last night because I wanted to hang with my friends a bit more and my head hurt too much to walk home so I waited until I was officially healed before heading home even though everyone offered me a ride but I didn't want to be a bother so I walked which was calming to say the least.

When I got home, I pretty much got ready for bed, took some Advil, plopped on my bed with a tired sigh and the moment I hit my pillow I was out like a light...but I knew that wouldn't last long because my life sucks and whenever I start to feel just the tiniest bit of okay, life decides to throw my trauma back at my face so I was preparing for the worst...


I fluttered my eyes open and thought I was awake, but it turned out to be a dream or in my case a nightmare because come on...It's me we're talking about, since when do I have good dreams? Yea, that's what I thought.

I rolled my eyes as I looked around to see I was in my old home where I grew up as a child...My eyes widen as my heart already began racing...I knew whatever happened wasn't going to be good so I prepared for the worst.

I hesitantly walked in to see my father drinking again like always...He never stopped drinking the moment ANY of us were born...and especially since he blamed me for killing my mother...When he finished each beer, he kept smashing every bottle against the wall.

I didn't want to walk closer to him, I wanted to run away, to wake up, but I couldn't, I wasn't even in control of my body as I walked towards him making the floorboards creak beneath my feet. My father stopped for a moment and let out a low, dark chuckle somehow knowing it was me, ''well, well, well If it isn't my mistake of a daughter'' He said practically smirking as he got up and looked at me darkly...

Every memory of him beating me flashed before my eyes which made my heart race with fear. My body trembled as I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my hands trying to wake up, but I couldn't...Please, oh god please don't make me relive this...please don't...Not again...''You know you would've been on hell of criminal too if you weren't such a weak, pathetic failure'' He said coming closer to me.

I stepped back and gulped down the anxiety that arose within me trying to regain my control and ground ''Y-you can't tell me what to do anymore'' I said shaking my head trying not to be afraid but I was scared shitless...Please just wake up!

He scoffed ''Oh really? Last time I checked, I was still your father and you were my worthless daughter or should I say mistake. I should have killed you when I had the chance...what a pathetic waste of space'' He spat as he slapped me hard across the face which knocked me onto the ground.

I yelped and held my cheek that stung in pain ''You're not my father, nor will you ever will be'' I grit my teeth angrily, he chuckled "Oh really? I remember when your mother gave birth to you and died right on that hospital bed. I should've ended you the second you were born...You killed the only woman I ever loved" He said and kicked me hard in the gut, I groaned painfully as he just kept calling me names and hurting me...

I couldn't do anything but lie there on the ground getting slapped, kicked and punched over and over again...I wanted to call Leo and Lisa's names...I begged for him to stop, I begged for my siblings but they weren't one was there to help me and one ever will...

*End Of Nightmare*

I shot awake screaming and begging for him to stop. I trembled and choked on sobs as my heart raced, stomach churned and I started hyperventilating. I felt my palms sweat as I looked around seeing I was in the comfort of my bedroom at home. My body trembled as I sighed heavily trying to calm down...

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