Chapter 20: I Love You (SMUT)

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As soon as we got to the bedroom, Mick pushed me against the wall and looked at me lustfully. My heart started to race and my stomach started to churn. I couldn't tell if this was the lust I was feeling towards Mick or the anxiety...maybe even both because I've never been with anyone before Mick, so he was going to be my first...but honestly? I really couldn't care because all I know right now is I love Mick more than anything and nothing would ever change that...

Mick gently wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his forehead against mine. My hands were on his chest as I breathed kinda heavily "I love you" Mick whispered, I blushed shyly "I-I love you too" I whispered back, he smiled as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine which made me smile and kiss back...I was anxious and extremely nervous but I knew Mick...He was always so kind, gentle and caring with why would this be any different?

The kiss was sweet, slow, lingering and so passionate it made my insides burn. Mick gently pulled away but took my bottom lip with him which made me whimper a little "Are you sure?" he asked, I bit my lip and nodded as I wrapped my arms around his waist "J-just go slow and be g-gentle" I whispered, he chuckled "Always am princess" he whispered which made me smile as he leaned down and kissed me again which made me smile and kiss back.

The kiss got a little rougher as he nibbled on my bottom lip which made me whimper a little. He chuckled and shoved his tongue in my mouth which made me whimper as his tongue explored my mouth and fought with mine. My heart stammered and breathing shuddered as he pulled away leaving a trail of saliva behind.

We panted breathlessly "jump" he whispered, my eyes widen as I jumped a little in his arms which made him hold me by my thighs and ass. He brought us over to the bed and gently lied me down and hovered over me "You're so beautiful" he complimented to probably help me not only relax but get me more in the mood which was working of course.

I blushed and smiled as Mick instantly took off his shirt and threw it across the room. He gently held my shirt in his hands "Can I?" He asked, I just nodded as he took off my shirt and threw it as well which made me blush shyly seeing as I was wearing no bra so I was already bare in front of him.

I felt embarrassed even though we have seen each other naked before but still this was more of an intimate and intense moment...I didn't know how to feel so I looked away and covered myself shyly.

Mick chuckled as he grabbed my hands and pinned them over my head "You don't have to hide from me princess. You're stunning" he said as he gently kissed my cheek and down to my neck which made me giggle a little. He soon enough started to suck on my neck which made me gasp a little. He chuckled lowly which sent shivers down my spine and a tingling feeling between my legs.

Mick began leaving hickies all over my neck and chest which made me moan softly. Mick groaned as I felt his hard on against my thigh. He placed his cool hand on my burning stomach and gently ran it up and in between my chest which made my breathing stammer more. He leaned down and kissed in between my breasts before leaving hickies behind on both of them.

I moaned and arched my back a little which made him chuckle as he kissed lower to my stomach also leaving hickies behind. My heart raced and stomach churned as he looked up at me. I just nodded as he pulled off my shorts and underwear leaving me completely bare and vulnerable in front of him. He eyed me up and down which made me blush shyly and look away "So perfect" he whispered,

I smiled shyly as he kissed my knee and slowly made his way up my inner thigh also leaving hickies behind. I moaned softly which made him smirk as I felt his hot breath on my core "P-please Micky" I begged, he groaned softly before licking where I needed the most. I moaned loudly and gripped the bedsheets as he shoved his tongue inside of me. I felt the pleasure course through my veins which made me arch my back and grind my hips.

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