Chapter 12: Back To Saving Lives

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(Lily's Pov) *THE SAME DAY*

I fluttered my eyes open to someone knocking on my door. I groaned and sighed as I sucked in a deep breath feeling an aching pain in my chest. My head was pounding, my chest hurt and it hurt to move, let alone breathe. The knocking continued which made me sigh as I weakly got up feeling my hands shake. I breathed heavily as I hopped off my bed only having my head pound and vision blur over.

I groaned and shook my head as I weakly walked to my door and opened it to reveal Mick. My eyes widen "M-Micky?" I asked not only shocked but how did he find where I live? He frowned once he saw my face which I'm sure was red and puffy from all the crying. I mentally cursed as I hid my arm behind my back...he's going to be so mad once he finds out what I did...Fuck

I rubbed my face tiredly "W-what are you doing here?" I asked hoarsely as my throat hurt from all the crying, "I was worried about you" He said, I smiled weakly and nodded "Can I come in?" he asked, I bit my lip but sighed as I opened my door more so he could enter. Mick walked in and looked around "Nice place" he said as he dropped a bag by the bedroom door,

I titled my head a bit "What's this?" I asked, "My stuff" he said, I furrowed my eyebrows a bit "What do you mean?" I asked, "I'm going to be staying with you" He said, I was still so confused "What? Why?" I asked, he furrowed his eyebrows a bit "Why not? I don't want to deal with Snart right now. Plus, I need to look after you" he said,

I smiled weakly "That's sweet Mick. Thank you" I whispered, he just nodded as he gently held my chin in his fingers and made me look at him "Are you okay?" he asked, I shrugged as I felt the emotions and tears welled up again "Why did he do that?" I asked feeling my bottom lip quiver "Snart got overprotective" He said, I furrowed my eyebrows "Overprotective of what? Me? Why? Like he fucking cares" I stated angrily,

Mick sighed "He doesn't want you to get hurt" He said, I tilted my head a bit "Hurt by what? By whom?" I asked, he sighed, "Me" he said which made me frown a little "Micky, you could never hurt me" I said as I gently placed my hands on his cheeks "How can you be so sure?" he asked, "Because you would've done so already. You wouldn't go through all this trouble to love me if you didn't mean it or want to hurt're not a monster" I said,

He smiled subtly before glancing over at my bandaged wrist which made me curse under my breath. He gently grabbed my bandaged wrist which was stained with blood "What the hell is this?" he asked, I frowned "what was I supposed to do Micky? My brother was acting exactly like my father and for what? Because he's trying to protect me? He can do that as a big brother and just talk to me...not shout at you or treat me like shit like my father would've. Never in a million years would I think my own brother who would've done ANYTHING for me would've treated me like how our father would've...I was so angry and hurt and this was the only way I knew how to get rid of it" I said and shook my head.

Mick frowned and gently kissed my bandaged wrist "don't do this again you hear me?" He asked, I just sighed and nodded as he let go of my wrist which made me rub it a little. I grabbed Mick's back and placed it in my room, by my bed "So. How'd you find me?" I asked, "Lisa visited Cisco who seduced him into giving us your address" He said,

I scoffed and rolled my eyes "of course. Only my sister would seduce poor little Cisco" I said as I shook my head and walked to kitchen to find Mick raiding my fridge "What are you doing?" I asked, "Finding food which you have none of and no beer either" He said, I chuckled and shook my head "well unfortunately for you being a hero doesn't pay the bills and neither does stealing" I said,

Mick chuckled and walked to my room and into his bag where he had pulled out a wad of cash in which he threw at me "there. Now let's go shopping. I'm hungry" he said, I shook my head "Didn't expect anything less Micky" I said, he smirked and kissed my head as we headed out of my house and onto his Motorcycle and headed off to the store to fill up my house with food and whatever Micky wanted.

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