Chapter 8: But Why? I'm So Confused

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(Lily's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through the living room curtains. I sighed and yawned a bit as I looked to see I was not only sleeping on the couch again...but I was ontop of Mick while he was still sleeping. My eyes widen and face flushed as I felt my heart and stomach flutter.

I looked at the time seeing it was a little after 9am which made me sigh as I carefully got off Mick and headed to the kitchen to brew some coffee. I rubbed my face tiredly and stretched before getting out 2 mugs and pouring me and Mick some coffee.

I couldn't help but think about me and Mick and how we're...together now? I mean are we together now? Was that even discussed after we kisses yesterday or was that just a spur in the moment kind of thing? I don't know but it made me think about Leo and Lisa and how hard it's going to be to hide this from them because now Mick makes me feel shy and flustered and me being their sister, they're going to know something it up...I just don't know how they'll react I guess and I don't know how they feel about the whole baby sister dating partner/best friend kind of thing ya know?

Maybe I should take a walk to think about things, or head into work and see if I can wrap my brain around this...who knows, maybe the others don't want me back after what happened...Or they just forgot all about me, I mean they were doing just fine on their own before I showed up...Maybe I just cause more problems then I do solve them...Damn...

I sighed and put a hand on my now pounding head and headed back to the living room to still see Mick still out cold sleeping. I smile softly and shook my head before setting the mugs on the coffee table and lying back down ontop of Mick. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close which made me smile shyly as I lied my head in the crook of his neck.

I heard him chuckle softly which made me smile as I looked up to see him fluttering his eyes open "Mornin Icy" he said groggily, I smiled and kissed his cheek "Mornin Micky" I whispered and got off of him so he could sit up and wake up a bit. He sat up and groaned a bit before yawning and rubbing his face tiredly.

I grabbed our mugs from the coffee table and handed one to him which made him smile and thank me, "thank you Mick" I said, he raised an eyebrow "For what?" he asked, I just shrugged "I don't know, everything" I said, he smiled subtly before kissing my head and drinking his coffee which made me do the same.

It was quiet for a moment which made me begin to think about me and Mick again...oh god what am I going to do? Mick got up and headed to the kitchen to get food as I needed air. I finished up my coffee before getting off the couch and heading outside. I was greeted by the bright sun and fresh cool air which made me take some nice deep breaths considering I can't really remember the last time I was outside so this felt good.

I felt the need for my powers to be unleashed so I closed my eyes and felt my coldness and ice manipulate through my veins and all around my body. My eyes shot opening as they turned a bright crystal blue. I shot my powers towards the ground which had lifted me off the ground as I began to glide effortlessly through the air.

I looked to see my siblings and Mick standing in the doorway which made me smirk as I shot my hands out to create a small snow blizzard around me. I twirled around as I began forming icicles which blended them with the blizzard around me creating a small shield.

I giggled and did this for a few minutes until I began to grow exhausted which happens when I show off...what, I'm a Snart afterall, did you not expect me to outpower my siblings? They all may have guns, but I have the actual abilities and I think that outweighs gunmanship.

I slowly but shakily dropped to the ground and fell down in the process because I haven't used my abilities in a while so I guess I was rusty. The others walked up to me "Wow sis. Didn't expect that from you" Lisa said, I smirked and breathed heavily "Are you alright?" Mick asked, I just smiled and nodded as I took some deep breaths kinda trying not to pass out.

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