Chapter 21: You Never Have To Be Alone Again

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(Lily's Pov)

The next day, I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through Mick's bedroom window. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way just wanting to go back to sleep. I felt Mick's strong arms around my waist which made me smile softly as I snuggled against his chest just wanting to go back to sleep.

I heard Mick's steady heartbeat in my ears which made me smile and sigh softly. I looked up to see Mick still peacefully sleeping which made me smile as I gently placed my hand on his cheek. His breathing was steady, he snored softly which made me chuckle a little...

Out of all the people in the world...this would be the goofball I fell in love with and I couldn't be any happier. He makes me so happy and he makes me feel...alive and not alone and makes me feel safe...I just never thought in a million years that this would be my life and that I would ever be here...

I didn't realize Mick woke up until he gently grabbed my hand and kissed it softly. I blinked a few times and sighed as I blushed and smiled shyly "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" he asked, I smiled "Just how much I love you and how you saved my life" I whispered softly, Mick smiled and gently caressed my scarred arms which made me smile in content, "I love you Icy" he said, I giggled "I love you too Micky" I whispered.

He smiled and pecked my lips a few times making me giggle "do you want some coffee?" I asked, he just nodded which made me smile as I sat up and yawned tiredly. I stretched and sighed as I hopped out of bed and looked in the mirror to see hickies COVERING my neck which made me chuckle and shake my head "My brothers' gonna kill you" I said,

Mick chuckled "I like to see him try" he threatened, I rolled my eyes and sighed as I headed out of my bedroom to the smell of coffee being made. I braced myself for what my siblings were gonna say cause I know Lisa will just tease me relentlessly and Leo...well he's Leo. I walked to the kitchen to see Leo and Lisa talking.

They both stopped and looked at me which made me smile anxiously "morning" I whispered, Lisa just smirked while Leo just glared at me "Mick's a dead man" Leo said, I walked up to him and put a hand on his chest "touch him and you die" I threatened, he sighed "If I hear anything at night. You both are living on the streets" He said,

I chuckled and rolled my eyes "You do realize I have a house right?" I asked, he rolled his eyes and walked out making me and Lisa laugh "Wow sis. Congrats" she said, I blushed shyly and rolled my eyes as I grabbed a mug for me and Mick and poured us some coffee. I headed back up to the bedroom to see Mick waking up still and rubbing his face tiredly "Leo threatened to not only hurt you but throw us out on the streets if he heard us do anything" I said with a giggle. Mick scoffed "Yea okay" He said sarcastically.

I just laughed as I handed Mick a mug and sat next to him on the bed and sipped my coffee. It was quiet for a moment "thank you Mick" I said, he furrowed his eyebrows a bit "for what?" he asked, "making me happy and feel safe and not alone" I said, he smirked and kissed my head "You never have to be alone again princess" he said which made me smile in content as I enjoyed this time together with Mick and hopefully life continues to go up from here and me and Mick continue what we have...Who knows but all I know is he saved my life and I couldn't be happier nor thank him enough for everything...


(YAY FINALLY THAT'S THE END. I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY! I LOVE HOW THIS STORY TURNED OUT AND I HOPE YOU DID TOO. I plan to make a second book taking place in Dc Legends of Tomorrow but i'm not sure when that'll happen so bare with me and if you have another Flash/Arrow/Legends of Tomorrow Character you want me to write about feel free to comment! Thank you so much for enjoying and if you didn't, well fuck off and don't read shit you don't like :)

(800 Words)

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