"The Most Sought Out Employees"

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Warning: This chapter contains Mature Adult content that may not be suitable for some readers. Please approach with extreme caution advised!

(There is a personal bathroom scene in the very beginning that might upset some audiences. Please be warned ahead of time and skip if it makes you feel uncomfortable.)

Jimin surprisingly got up on time today. After thrashing around in his bed last night for what seemed like hours, he finally fell into a fitful sleep of nothing but dreams of Yoongi's lips and past memories. That damn kiss! Ugh! Why did he even do that?

"You're such an embarrassment, Park Jimin!" he exclaimed as he dragged himself out of the front door.

It was high time he got back into his regular workout routine. He wasn't dieting, he most certainly wasn't exercising, but do you want to know what he was doing? He was constantly snacking and filling his small body up with greasy snacks and delicious junk food. It was his only way of consuming comfort during hard and difficult times.

He took his normal route while watching the beautiful sunrise. Once again, he didn't see his favorite security guard; Jung Hoseok!

"Damn where is he? What happened to him?"

He made it back home in record time, again surprisingly, since he's been out of it for a few days. Rushing to get ready, he skipped out on watering his roses and tried to use the remainder of what little time he had left wisely.

Luckily, he hadn't heard a peep from upstairs. He was hoping, no, praying, that he could get out of there unscathed, unnoticed, but most importantly unseen. For once he was extremely quite this morning, just so he wouldn't run into the beautiful pale man.

He grabbed his toothbrush while taking care of his business. Might sound disgusting to some, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Reaching over the counter to add toothpaste and run it under water, he sat on the toilet and began to kill two birds with one stone while scrolling through his phone.

What he failed to remember, while trying to be quiet and discreet, was that he no longer lived alone. So, locking the door while taking a crap is definitely an essential now. A MUST, put at the VERY top of an important to-do list when living with a roommate. He had no idea boss man had just come downstairs, already dressed in his suit and tie, ready to conquer and tackle the new day.

Placing his coat over his favorite chair and setting his suitcase down on the wooden kitchen table, Yoongi made his way to the now occupied restroom.

"It's all his fault I didn't get any sleep! That stupid kiss! Ugh!" He hears Jimin exclaim as he opens the bathroom door. He catches him mid-yawn as his light-up toothbrush begins to beep, letting him know it was time to spit and rinse.

He watches in horror as Jimin grunts while finishing up his business. He watched in disgust as Jimin turned to grab some toilet paper. He watched in embarrassment as Jimin screamed out in shock as he finally realized that he was no longer alone.

Standing there in the doorway, plugging his nose from the smell is the man Jimin had been dreaming about. The same man he lost sleep over.

Yoongi cleared his throat and turned away in embarrassment, trying his best to hold his breath from the stench.
"Mianhae, my apologies! I didn't know you were in here." He quickly leaves and softly closes the door.

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