"You're Late, You're Late, For A Very Important Date!"

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Warning: This chapter contains Mature Adult content that may not be suitable for some readers. Please approach with extreme caution advised!

"Epiphany Cafe"

'Tuesday Morning'

Jin had just finished frying the last egg for the breakfast rush that was ending, when he heard gasps and scrambling coming from the front of the building!

Normally he would just sigh and roll his eyes...typical Jimin being late as always! He was about to scold the younger dongsaeng, when someone across the lobby stopped him in his tracks. Something beyond ridiculous and out of this world caught his attention! A sight he NEVER thought he would ever see in his life!

Everyone started bowing and kissing ass, as the black-haired, pale CEO tucked his dress shirt in, re-buckled his belt, all while putting his expensive shoes back on.

This scene seemed awfully familiar! Very much deja vu! The only difference was the fact that the very person himself was not Jimin, but...Yoongi?

Min Yoongi, the very same Min Yoongi who owns the building, who owns 'Blue Flower Creations Advertising' upstairs, who is always stressing about responsibility and punctuality.....was rushing through security! And he was VERY LATE!

He grabbed his things from the bucket and bolted towards Jin's cafe at lightning speed. Jin's mouth was agape as he wordlessly handed the boss man a fresh cup of coffee. Yoongi breathlessly let out a small "thanks," as he headed towards the elevators, embarrassed!

This day truly was going to go down in history!


Yoongi cursed himself as he watched the numbers of the elevator ever so slowly creep its way up to the 4th floor.

This was his very first time ever being late since taking over.

He was beyond exhausted! Not only did he have a splitting headache, but his throat also felt like it was on fire! His mouth was so dry- he was a having a severe case of cotton mouth!

After waking up on the freezing cold tile floor of his upstairs bedroom, memories of the previous night had come rushing back to him as he held his pounding head...he groaned in pain. Ugh! That stupid dinner!

Joon had called him to socialize with potential future business partners. After a HUGE feast, loud laughter, and fake promises, one thing led to another, and shots were being poured and thrown back left and right.

He knew when he took over that this was part of owning your own business. That the downside of becoming an important figure in the field of the rich, becoming a conglomerate, meant kissing ass and having these ridiculous social dinners! Social networking could be a real pain in the ass sometimes!

After running around his childhood home like a lost puppy, he finally got ahold of himself so he could get ready for work. He couldn't believe the night he had, or worse what he had done.

Other than getting shitfaced drunk, he took advantage of his one true love: Park Jimin. He was so pissed off at himself that he could barely look in the mirror as he brushed his teeth and washed his face. He clenched the sink as he remembered the very vivid scene that took place in his bedroom. He sighed as he headed towards the door. He doesn't deserve Park Jimin, does he?

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