"Tree Of Hope"

174 4 3

"Blue Flower Creations Advertising"

'Late Morning'

"Boss man should like this color!"

"You're right! The envelope needs to be a more heavy-duty type, too. It'll be more secure that way!"

"I agree, Taehyung!"

"Okay then, please prepare the materials for the briefing!"

"De, sir!"

"Min Ae-Cha, you'll be in charge of asking for samples from the supplier."

"I'll get right on that office manager!"

"I'll leave you guys to it then! Remember, just be yourselves when you are up there presenting to Yoongi. I'm only going to be gone for 2 days, but I trust my team. Y'all got this! Hwaiting!"

"Hwaiting!" his team shouted back in unison.

"Thank you, Office Manager!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"You guys stop. You're making me blush! I'm still not used to giving orders, let alone the formal address!"

Taehyung's employees laugh and make a fuss over him when suddenly he hears clapping from behind him.

"Calling me a silver spoon while you yourself are practically barking orders?" Jungkook approaches Tae with a raised eyebrow with a huge smile on his face. He was genuinely happy to see him.

"You didn't tell me you were an office manager!"

Tae shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant, no big deal way.

"You didn't ask!"

Jungkook chuckled as he readjusted the strap of his overnight bag.

"So Office Manager..." He trailed off to walk over and help Tae with his luggage and packed lunch their hyung had prepared for them. "Ready for our little trip?"

Taehyung returned Kook's chuckle with a blindingly bright boxy smile. It took everything Jungkook had not to gasp out loud.

"As ready as I'll ever be!"

They both headed towards the elevators while purposely brushing up against each other's hands and making small talk. If only they knew that within an hour or so, their mini road trip would abruptly come to a halt, making the flirting turn into panic as they would be spending A LOT more time together, and not just in a fancy rich car, but a one bedroom hotel room in the middle of nowhere.


'Late Afternoon'

"The number you have dialed cannot be reached at this time. Please check the number and try again!"

"Oh shit! They're not answering! What should we do now?"

"Jimin, keep trying, I'll try calling Jin!"

He pushed the Bluetooth button on his dash and immediately dialed the chef's number.

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